Comprehension, Analysis, Synthesis
The development of information and communication technologies offers architects new tools for design as well as new areas of architectural practice. What is more decisive is the change in mentality, in the way space is conceived and in the design procedure itself.The course offers:
- The basic design principles of interactive multimedia works (off-line products and on-line on the Internet)
- an approach to the new space concepts in the digital environment and to the codification of interactive communication.
- The study of human-computer interface contributes to the understanding of the major role of the computer screen as a point of convergence of different representational forms and the emergence of new ones proper to the digital culture.
The course’s content focuses on three major axes:
- Analysis of the different levels of screen space as a communication environment (interface).
- Study of the new navigation codification, based on interactivity (gesture, selection, metaphor).
- The employment of the notion of program in both space and data organization.
The students are asked to create interactive multimedia projects of digital or hybrid space representations (autonomous or web applications). [Official Journal of the European Union, L 255/47, Architectural Education, points 1,2,3,5,6]
Brief historical evolution of multimedia industry (platforms, formats and applications).
The stages of a project and multimedia team roles.
Content development and production organization from the original idea to the final product.
Flowcharts and storyboards.
Interactive narration and navigation models.
Interface and basic screen design.
Creative use of the different media in a multimedia environment towards the creation of a multimedia language.
The students are asked to create two interactive multimedia projects which are presented after the end of the course, during the examination period.:
1st PROJECT (personal)
An interactive multimedia presentation of a project already designed by the student in another course. The presentation should highlight the principal design choises, the project evolution and the different design phases as well as the basic characteristics of the final solution.
2d PROJECT (group)
Design of an multimedia environment presenting a data base of urban sound recordings.
For students, coming from other departments, the projects will be adapted to their personal interests.
Beckman John (ed), The Virtual Dimension: Architecture, Representation, and Crash Culture, Princeton Architectural Press 1998
Chapman, N., Chapman, J.: 2004, Digital multimedia, John Wiley & Sons, West Sussex.
Cotton Bob, Oliver Richard, Understanding Hypermedia 2000, Revised edition, Phaidon Press, 1997
Leroi-Gourhan, A.: 1993, Gesture and Speech, MIT Press, Cambridge Mass, french edition: Leroi-Gourhan, A: 1964, Le geste et la parole,
Laurel, B. (ed): 1990, The Art of Human-Computer Interface Design, Addison-Wesley, Boston
Laurel, B.: 1993, Computers as Theatre, Addison-Wesley, Boston
Manovich, L.: 2001, The Language of New Media, MIT Press, Cambridge Mass
Luppa, Nick, Designing Interactive Digital Media, Focal Press, 1998
Picon, A.: 2003, Architecture, science, technology and the virtual realm,in A. Picon, A. Ponte (eds.), Architecture and the Sciences Exchanging metaphors, Princeton Architectural Press, New York, pp. 292-313.
Tschumi, B.: 1996, Architecture and Disjunction, MIT Press, Cambridge Mass
- Arsac Jacques, Les machines a penser- des ordinateurs et des hommes, Editions du Seuil, Παρίσι, 1990.
- Balpe Jean Pierre, Hyperdocuments, Hypertextes, Hypermedias, Editions Eyrolles, Παρίσι, 1990.
- Νielsen Jacob, Hypertext and Hypermedia, Academic Press Inc, ΣανΝτιέγκο, ΗΠΑ, 1990.
- Waterworth John, Multimedia Interaction with Computers, Ellis Horwood Ltd, Wesr Sussex, Αγγλία, 1992.
- Woodhead Nigel, Hypertext and Hypermedia, Theory and Applications, Sigma Press, Wimslow, Αγγλία, 1991
- Cotton Bob, Oliver Richard, Understanding Hypermedia 2000, Revised edition, Phaidon Press, 1997
- Multimedia Demystified, A guide to the world of multimedia from Apple Computer, Inc., publisher Random House, 1994
- Multimedia, le Guide complet, Canal+, Gallimard, Παρίσι, 1996
- Tway E. L., Δουλέψτε με τα πολυμέσα, (μτφρ. Βρέτταρου Ι., Γιουβανάκη Ν., Φράγκου Ν.), εκδ. Κλειδάριθμος, Αθήνα 1994- Luppa Nicholas, Designing Interactive digital Media, Focal Press, 1998
- Robert Jason, Director 5 Demystified, Addison-Wesley, 1996
- Villamil-Casanova John, Molina Luis, Multimedia Production, Planning and Delivery, Macmillan Computer Publishing, 1997
- Garrand Timothy, Writing for Multimedia, Focal Press, 1997 (συνοδεύεται από CD-ROM).
- Cotton Bob, Oliver Richard, Understanding Hypermedia 2000, Revised edition, Phaidon Press, 1997.
- Dondis Donis, A Primer of Visual Literacy, MIT Press, 1973.
- Brenda Laurel, editor, The Art of Human – Computer Interface Design, Addison-Wesley 1996
- Brenda Laurel, editor, Computer as Theater, Addison-Wesley 1991
- Nick Luppa, Designing Interactive Digital Media, Focal Press, 1998
- Dominic Milanoeditor, Interactivity in Action, edited by Miller Freeman Books, 1997
- Jonathan Reed editor, Multimedia, Le Guide Complet, Editions Gallimard 1996
- Tognazzini Bruce, Tog on Interface, Addison-Wesley, 1992
- Willem Velthoven, Jorinde Seijdel editors, Μultimedia Graphics, Thames and Hudson, 1996
- Multimedia Demystified, A Guide to the World of Multimedia, Apple Computer Inc.1994.