Sophia Vyzoviti is an architect and professor in architecture at the School of Engineering, University of Thessaly, Greece. She holds a PhD in design knowledge systems from Delft University of Technology (2005). Her research investigates the impact of emergent spatial practices in the development of new architectural paradigms that shape future habitat. Her design methods integrate form-generation with participation. She has been a Fulbright Scholar at the School of Architecture – University of Illinois at Chicago (2022) and has taught at University of Cyprus (2011), National University of Singapore (2006), and Delft University of Technology (2003). She has authored articles for Architecture and Culture, Daidalos, DOMES, Flat Out, OASE Journal for Architecture, and a plethora of international conference proceedings and collective volumes. She has authored "Mikrokatoikia. Atlantas gia Arhitektones (microdwelling. an atlas for architects)" (University Studio Press 2017) "Emergent Places for Urban Groups without a Place" (TUDelft 2005) and the trilogy “Soft Shells: Porous and Deployable Architectural Screens” (BIS 2011) “Supersurfaces” (BIS 2006) and “Folding Architecture: Spatial, Structural and Organizational Diagrams” (BIS 2003).
Architectural Design, Theory, Methodology and Practice Of Design, Social Ecology of Emergent Socio - Spatial Practices, Human Habitat, Public Space, Representations of Spatial Interaction, Sustainable Design, Circularity, Minimum Dwelling, Folding Architecture.
2019 - 2021, Emergency Shelters in Greece due to the Refugee Crisis
Position: Academic Coordinator - Principal Researcher
Funding Body: Research Committee, University of Thessaly
2019 - 2019, Socially Engaged Design for Disaster Relief
Position: Academic Coordinator - Principal Researcher
Funding Body: Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Embassy of the Netherlands in Athens
2018 - 2018, Craftspeople’s Network
Position: Researcher
Funding Body: DAAD – Federal Ministry of Education and Research Germany
2010 - 2012, Transframing: Parametric design tools for small scale architecture
Position: Academic Coordinator - Principal Researcher
Funding Body: Research Committee, University of Thessaly
2006 - 2007, Urban and architectural transformations of the city of Thessaloniki due to the influx of immigrants and refugees
Position: Researcher
Funding Body: Technical Chamber of Greece -Sector of Central Makedonia
2003 - 2004, Investigating Architectural Design Using Folding
Position: Researcher
Funding Body: Dept. Housing, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Delft University of Technology
Architecture Design Studio I: The house
Architectural Design ΙV-VI B: Hybrid Ecologies
Folding Architecture
Vyzoviti, S. (2017) Μικροκατοικία – Άτλαντας για Αρχιτέκτονες (Microdwelling – An Atlas for Architects) Thessaloniki: University Studio Press
Vyzoviti, S. 2011. Soft Shells: Porous and Deployable Architectural Screens. Amsterdam: BIS Publishers
Vyzoviti, S. 2006. Supersurfaces: Folding as a method for generating forms for architecture, products and fashion. Amsterdam: BIS Publishers
Vyzoviti, S. 2005. Emergent Places for Urban Groups Without a Place. Enshcede: Febodruk B.V,
Vyzoviti, S. 2003. Folding Architecture: Spatial, Structural and organizational Diagrams. Amsterdam: BIS Publishers
Vyzoviti, S (2015) «New Waterfront of Thessaloniki – Mapping the urban open surface» in Vitopoulou, Α.Yerolymbou, Α. Tournikiotis, P. The Greek City and the Urbanism of Modernity, Do.Co.Mo.Mo. 05 The cahiers of the Modern, Athens: futura, pp: 341-346
Vyzoviti, S. (2014) "Spontaneous Landforming". In Zavraka, D.ed. urban BLUR. Cannot Not Design Publications. Pp: 67-72
Vyzoviti, S. (2013) "Τhe grinder". In Grandry, P.J. The future of Architecture II. Crap is Good Publications. Pp:204-207
Vyzoviti, S. (2010)"Methodological shifts: the textile as retro-novel paradigm"in Agathidis, A and Schillig, G (eds) Performative Geometries, Amsterdam: BIS Publishers, pp:108-113
Vyzoviti, S. (2009) "Emerging Immigrant Clusters in Downtown Athens, 2002-2004" in Mitrasinovic, Μ.& Traganou, J. (eds) Travel, Space, Architecture,Surrey: Asghate Publications, pp:320-335
Vyzoviti, S. (2008) “Weg von kasten und hin zur faltung” / “Out of the Box and into the Fold” in Martin, S. (ed) Der Grosse Wurf : Faltungen in der Gegewartskunst, Freiburg: Modo verlag, pp:34-55
Vyzoviti, S. (2017) The Talent Agent: Pure, Archaic and Absolute, Flat Out, Vol 2, pp:63-66
Vyzoviti, S. (2016) in Cho Mi-Ho (ed) Feature: Architectural Prototype Architecture and Culture No 421, Seoul, pp:30-45
Vyzoviti, S. (2005) The immigrants’ place of getting together: A model of necessary physical environmental conditions OASE / Architectural Journal / 68, Rotterdam: NAiPublishers, pp:22-66
Vyzoviti, S. (2017) “Shell Performativity as a Tool for Urban Action”, in Architectural ResearchAddressing Societal Challenges, Edited by Manuel Couceiro da Costa, Filipa Roseta, Joana Pestana Lages and Susana Couceiro da Costa, Taylor & Francis Group, pp: 195–200
Vyzoviti, S. (2016) Ambient and Augmented Screens, in Tixier, N. & Remi, N. Ambiances Tommorow, Proceedings of the 3rd Ambiances International Congress - Volume 1, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, University of Thessaly, Volos, GR, 21-24 September 2016, pp: 512-517
Vyzoviti, S. (2016) Shell Performativity as a Tool for Urban Action, in Architectural Research Addressing Societal Challenges, Proceedings of the 10th EAAE /ARCC International Conference – Volume 1, Lisbon, Portugal, 15-18 June 2016 pp:(to be printed in 2016)
Vyzoviti,S. Marinakou,E. Tsilogianni,M. Psomiadi,S. (2015) «Furniture as play. Α polymorphic structure for preschool classrooms»in Germanos, D.& Liappi, M. (eds) (2015). Proceedings of the International Symposium: Places for Learning Experiences: Think, Make, Change(Thessaloniki, 9-10 January 2015). Athens: National Documentation Center, pp: 444-452
Vyzoviti, S. & Remy, N. (2014) "Acoustically Efficient Origami Based Partitions for Open Plan Spaces – Developping a Design Tool" in Thompson, Emine Mine (ed.), Fusion - Proceedings of the 32nd eCAADe Conference - Volume 1, Department of Architecture and Built Environment, Faculty of Engineering and Environment, Newcastle upon Tyne, England, UK, 10-12 September 2014, pp. 487-494
Vyzoviti, S. (2013). “The Depth of Surface: An evolutionary paradigm for digital architecture”. Proceedings of the International Theory of Architecture Conference ARCHTHEO2013. Creativity, Autonomy, Function in Architecture. Meimar Sinan Fine Arts University and DAKAM. Istanbul 4-6 December 2013. pp.284-292
Vyzoviti, S. (2013) “Virtual Landforms: Representations of performative actions augmenting the urban realm through spontaneous appropriations of found spaces”. Proceedings of the International Conference Changing Cities: Spatial, morphological, formal & socio-economic dimensions. Skiathos island, Greece. 18-21 June, 2013. Editor: Gospondini, A. pp.575-579
Vyzoviti, S. & De Souza, P. (2012) "Origami tessellations in a continuum: Integrating design and fabrication in architectural education" conference proceedings Scale less - Seam less? Performing a less fragmented architectural education and practice, ENHSA/ EAAE, Münster School of Architecture, Germany, 15-17 /11/ 2012, pp:165-175.
Vyzoviti, S. & Dimitriou, M. (2012) "The grasping hand as form generator: Generative modelling in physical and digital media" conference proceedings Materiality in its contemporary forms: Architecture, Conception, Fabrication, Perception, Les Grands Ateliers, Rhone-Alpes, France, 26-11/01-12/2012
Vyzoviti, S. (2011) "Pleat and Play" in Voyatzaki, Μaria (ed.), Rethinking the Human in Technology-Driven Architecture - Proceedings of the ENHSA/EAAE International Conference, Centre for Mediterranean Architecture, Chania 30-31 August 2011, pp:189-201
Vyzoviti, S. (2011) “Lateral Τerritory”. Conference proceedings Public Space. Thessaloniki:ΤΕΕ\ΤΚΜ- CannotNotDesignPublications
Vyzoviti, S. (2010) "Conditioning the emergence potential of public spaces" Paper presented at International Conference PLiC : Public Life in the In-between-City, Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion I.I.T., Haifa, 2010.
Vyzoviti, S. (2007) "Folding as a morphogenetic process in Architectural Design" in Dashti, Ηussein (ed.), Sources of Architectural Form: Theory and Practice - Proceedings of the International Conference, Department of Architecture, Kuwait University, Kuwait City, 10-13 March 2007, pp:471-477
Geogiades, N. Constandinides, E. Polyzou, E. & Vyzoviti S. (2007) "Overlapping layers of Historic data as a strategy for urban landscape renewal: The case of Byzantine monuments in Drama, Northern Greece" in Eleytheriadis, N. Styliadis, N. Paliokas, A. (eds.), Landscape Architecture and New Technologies - Proceedings of LANT07 International Conference, Department of Landscape Architecture, Drama 25-26 May 2007, pp:359-370
Cho Mi-Ho ed (2016) “Feature: Architectural Prototype”, Architecture and Culture No 421, Seoul, Korea, pp:30-45
Vyzoviti, S (2015) Minimum Dwelling Atlas, Didactic Notes for Architetural Design 1, Volos: University of Thessaly Press
Soft Shells – Porous and Deployable Architecture by Andrew Galloway
Building Between Dimensions: An Interview with Sophia Vyzoviti by Woody Evans
2016, Ambient and Augmented Screens, 3rd Ambiances International Congress, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece, 21-24/9/2016
2016, Shell Performativity as a Tool for Urban Action, 10th EAAE /ARCC International Conference: Architectural Research Addressing Societal Challenges, Lisbon, Portugal, 15-18/6/2016
2014, Acoustically Efficient Origami Based Partitions for Open Plan Spaces – Developping a Design Tool, 32nd eCAADe Conference, Department of Architecture and Built Environment, Faculty of Engineering and Environment, Newcastle upon Tyne 10-12/9/2014
2014, Descriptive and Generative Models of Crumpled Sheets, ENHSA International Conference What’s the Matter? Materiality and Materialism at the Age of Computation, Barcelona 4-6 /9/2014
2013, The Depth of Surface: An evolutionary paradigm for digital architecture, International Theory of Architecture Conference ARCHTHEO2013, Meimar Sinan Fine Arts University and DAKAM, Istanbul 4-6/12/2013
2013, Virtual Landforms: Representations of performative actions augmenting the urban realm through spontaneous appropriations of found spaces, invited speaker in the urbanBLUR special session.1st International Conference Changing Cities: Spatial, morphological, formal & socio-economic dimensions, Skiathos island, Greece, 18-21/6/2013
2012, Origami tessellations in a continuum: Integrating design and fabrication in architectural education, International Symposium on Integrated Planning Processes, SCALELESSSEAMLESS: Performing a less fragmented architecture and education, Munster 15-17/11/2012
2012, The grasping hand as form generator: generative modelling in physical and digital media, MC2012 Conference, Les Grandes Ateliers, Rhone-Alpes, France, 26/11-1/12/2012
1999, Horizontal Compact, Forum EUROPAN 5: New Housing landscapes, travel and proximity, International Conference Centre, Geneva, 27/9/1999
2015, Between Design Research and Practice – Master Thesis in Architecture, Panel Discussion What is a thesis in Architecture? Chalmers’ Department of Architecture, Gothemburg 2/6/2015
2014, The Depth of Surface, Lecture at theDepartment of Architecture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 9/5/2014
2011, The Depth of Surface, Lebanese American University, Byblos, 19/4/2011
2010, Folding Architecture: Spatial, Structural and Organizational Diagrams, Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade 8/12/2010
2010, The Depth of Surface, Facutly of Architecture, University of Belgrade, 1/12/2010
2010, The Depth of Surface, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, 15-12-2010
2007, On form generation strategies, Entwerfen und Industriele Hochbaukonstruktion, Faculty of Architecture, Technische Universitat Darmstadt 8/11/2007
2004, Folding Architecture: Spatial, Structural and Organizational Diagrams, Industrial Design Engineering (IDE), Royal College of Art, London, 25/10/2004
2004, Folding Architecture: Spatial, Structural and Organizational Diagrams, in the lecture series The Professional Profile of the Architect, Chalmers Arkitektskola, Goetheborg, Sweden, 2/2/2004
2016, BerlinAward2016 - Heimat in der Fremde, with the project Reflexive Indoor Camp: Short-Term Accomodation for Refugees, Zollgarage, Flughafen Tempelhof, Berlin 15-28/6/2016
2016, #ThisIsACo-op Greek Pavilion in the 15th International Architecture Exhibition La Biennale di Venezia with the project Piraeus Tower Shelter, Venice 28/5– 27/11/2016
2013, ON ARCHITECTURE, Gallery of Science and Technology - Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, with the project Prehensile Form, Belgrade 9-16/12/2013
2013, Exhibition of the results of the European Architectural Competition for the creation of a new city center in Athens ‘Rethink Athens’. 27/2-5/3 Onassis Foundation, and 14-26/3 Syntagma metro Station, Athens.
2012, sloth_participation in the collective installation INCUBATOR Installation and Actions Architecture and the city in SouthEast Europe - 1st Architectural Biennale Thessaloniki
2012, Exploring the performativity of origami tesselations, Advances in Architectural Geometry 2012, Center Georges Pompidou, Paris 27-30/9/2012
2012, SYNARTHROSIS_installation, exhibited at the 7th Biennale of Young Greek Architects, Benaki Museum, Athens
2011, Panorama of Greek Architecture: DOMES 2011. New City Hall of Thessaloniki.
2010, Meanderplex, Spontaneous Schooling exhibition, NOUS Gallery - London Festival of Architecture, Tea Building, BethnalGreen, London 18-23/6 2010
2009, The Archive_Episode 3: υπερεπιφάνειες | supersurfaces , CARTECO DESIGN CENTRE, The Archive, Thessaloniki 12/12/09-21/1/2010
2014, Architectural ethics of open sharing and collaboration, ser(res)modern international summer school, Serres, 26/6/2014
2014, fietsflat_public talk at DOMES INDEX 02_Departures, 16/6/2014 Benaki Museum, Athens
2015, Evaluation of Chalmers School of Architecture Masters’ Theses, Gothemburg, 2-6/6
2015, Scientific Committee Changing Cities 2: Spatial, Design, Landscape and Socio-Economic Dimensions
2015, Scientific Committee International Conference Ambiances, tomorrow 3rd International Congress on Ambiances
2015, Scientific Committee International Conference of Theory of Architecture ARCHTHEO’15
2014, Final presentation jury for the Islands of Difference - Athens workshop organized by the Urban Strategies Postgraduate Program at the University of Applied Arts Vienna
2014, Scientific Committee of Postagraduate Program in Architectural Design INSTEAD_παραποιήσεις
2014, Scientific Committee of International Conference Changing Cities 2: Spatial, Design, Landscape and Socio-Economic Dimensions
2014, Επιστημονική Επιτροπή Διεθνούς Συνεδρίου ARCHTHEO’14
2020, Fulbright Scholar Program Academic Year 2020-2021 Grantee
2019, ΔΟΜΕΣ 2019 International Review of Architecture (IOLAS shelter shortlisted best project 2015-18)
2019, Het New Institute International Visitors Program
2016, ΔΟΜΕΣ 2016 International Review of Architecture (Pliable Shading System for the Venetian Port of Chania shortlisted best project 2011-15)
2014, 1of 3 Equal Prizes at Panhellenic Architectural Competition Shadow-Roofing and Aesthetic Upgrading of The Facades in The Venetian Port of Chania, Contender: Municipal Port Fund of Chania
2013, Mediterranean Sustainable Architecture Awards mea2013 (Recyclable Corporate Décor shortlisted)
2008, Commendation prize at International Architectural Competition Renewable Energy Sources and Bioclimatic Architecture for Shells to Shelter People Affected by Natural Disasters, Contender: Union International des Architectes -UiA /Architecture and Renewable Energy Sources -ARES
1999, First Prize at EUROPAN 5 - New Housing Landscapes, Travel and Proximity, Location: Amarousion, Hellas, Contender: Europan Europe
1999, First Prize at invited competition for the design and development of the Floriade Terrain, Contender: Haarlemmermeer, Amsterdam (project architect for VMX architects)
1999, Nomination for Kunst Aanmoedingingsprijs Amstelveen
1998, Honorable Mention at European Architectural Competition Il Lungomare Dei Cyclopi Contender: Commune Di Acicastelo, Assessorato All’urbanistica, Assessorato Alla Cultura
1997, Third Prize at European Architectural Competition Western Entrance to the Historic Center of Thessaloniki, Contender: Cultural Capital of Europe – Thessaloniki 1997
1995, State Scholarships Foundation Greece (IKY) Grantee
1993, Honorable Mention at Robert Schmidt Prize –Open Spaces for Tomorrow European Student Competition
1991, Honorable Mentionat Quest for Urban Design European Student Competition Contender: European Association for Architectural Education