The industrialization of production led to the gradual replacement of manual labor. The Computer Revolution by using high technology and information media has provided us with digital technology. The offer is directed towards exploring and developing new architectural forms. The role of the human hand is changing and adapting to modern conditions. Scholars and philosophers through their searches provide the theoretical background for experiments on new architectural practices.
The research addresses an issue of human gestures: the primitive grasping reflex and the crease. The crumple is studied theoretically as a result of a spontaneous movement and pre-cultural, within the capabilities of the human hand, anatomy, history and references. At the same time is correlated with architectural concepts such as fold and uniform surface. The creative potential of crumpling is investigated through morphogenetic processes with analogue and digital media. Sequencing experiments creates continuity in the transition from analog form through invention, the digital models and finally to digital manufacturing. With the help of these tools is information within the design and construction managed. Through direct relationship with the production design, the digital continuum is produced. The same information is generated during the design is transferred to production. The connection between design and build is characterized by a linear logic with increasing complexity.