The inquiry on the interrelation between architecture and fashion design on a morphological level regarding the shell and the research about its role in visual communication constitute the topic of this dissertation. The research focuses on contemporary urban environment. It includes the research and analysis of theories involving the human body and explores the meaning of the shell both in architecture and fashion design, whose primary purpose is providing shelter to the human body. Various views regarding the human body were researched and analyzed, as well as the concept of the shell; potential parallels between fashion and architecture were also examined. This research took place throughout the history of the human kind until modern times. Works of architects and fashion designers were featured in an attempt to identify and document the congruence and the overcoming of boundaries in terms of design, materials, technologies and production techniques. Initially, a parallel relationship accompanied with morphological loans while maintaining their construction techniques and materials was identified up until the 60s. Innovations and revolutionary technologies led to the interpenetration of the two practices, through reciprocal materials and techniques loans, and morphology change. This means that buildings acquired the liquidity of clothing and garments became more architectural. Additionally, it was ascertained that their communicative role in the urban environment was further enhanced through the development of technologies. Architecture and fashion are recognized as carriers and receivers of messages and even feelings, but also as formulators and modulators of the public image, even the social structure, verifying the aspect of the power of the media. The architecture and fashion interaction works as a tool for fulfilling modern individual needs and simultaneously facing spatial, cultural and social changes.