Man, as a social being, is strongly related to his natural or artificial environment that surrounds him. While moving through space, he receives experiences and pumps elements from his surrounding environment. Through his senses, he comprehends the form and the character of each place. At the same time he feeds, transforms or even alters that specific place according to his past experiences.
Studying the movability and the psychosomatic behavior of a man – resident, we conclude that it is related to the history of the place he acts in. By history we don’t only refer to the past events, but also to the on going ones that a man interferes with and is affected by. Sometimes his interference is vivid, others faint or even reconstructive. The relations that are formed among the inhabitants of a city create a space – time mesh of events upon which everyday life is reflected.
The aim of this research project is to examine all of the above values on a specific area of Thessaloniki (Kassandrou – Olympiados arc). An attempt is made to understand basic values such as “heterotopy” or urban identity of a city, through questionnaires that were given to a random sample of citizens. The answers led us to conclusions that gave practical meaning to the values mentioned above, extracting them from a theoretical level.