Arch.Uth Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Arch.Uth Ελληνικά

11/11/2020 12:00

Teams Code: f7r3yu6

Carlo Pisano is Assistant Professor of urbanism and urban design at the University of Florence. He has carried out research and teaching activities in the field of spatial planning and design at the Universities of Cagliari and Florence, IUAV of Venice and TU Delft. The main research fields concern the study of Regional Design and Visioning in Europe at the metropolitan and regional level and the study of urban regeneration processes of areas in transformation, peripheral areas and cities subjected to extreme touristic pressure. International research projects include: "Bruxelles 2040" (2011), "Greater Moscow" (2012) and "Nieuw Zuid Masterplan" (2012) developed with the Associate Studio Bernardo Secchi Paola Viganò; the Strategic and Territorial Plan for the Metropolitan City of Florence (2016), the Masterplan for the Quartier Wienerstrasse in Linz (2018), winner of Europan 14. Recent publications include contributions to Sustainability, Urbanistica, Crios, Tema, Monu, Tourism Planning & Development and Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development. 


 Dr Pablo Sendra

Associate Professor of Planning and Urban Design at the Bartlett School of Planning. His main areas of research interest are collaborative planning and urban design processes, social housing and community activism. He is the programme Director of the MSc Urban Design and City Planning, the coordinator of the Civic Design CPD course and the Deputy Leader of the Urban Design Research Group. He carries out radical teaching and action research in collaboration with communities and activists in London. He is also co-Founder and Director of the urban design practice Lugadero, which works on co-design processes and co-founder of the CivicWise network. He is co-author of Designing Disorder (2020), Community-Led Regeneration (2020) and co-editor of Civic Practices (2017).


Thursday 4 June 2020. Event time: 18.00-21.00

Invited Guests: Vassileia aka Franck-Lee Alli-Tis

The Centre of New Media and Feminist Public Practices transfers its Reading Group series online, Thursdays 18.00 - 21.00 (GR Time, gmt+2). In our reading group, we collectively read and discuss texts that focus on feminist practices, their claims and transformations as well as on public space and globalised economies and technologies. As part of these meetings, we also often invite artists to present works that they are creating in collaboration with the Centre, aiming to a creative dialogue between texts, theory and practice.

Since the reading group meetings that we had arranged in the physical space were interrupted due to the pandemic, we decided to continue in the expanded space of the internet. Our online meetings will take place on 3 upcoming Thursdays, 4th of June, 18th of June and 2nd of July, and they are open to everyone who would like to take part in the discussion.

On Thursday 2 July we will present Vassiliea Stylianidou aka Franck-Lee Alli-Tis´ project, ‘WordMord’, which was shaped at the Centre of New Media & Feminist Public Practices during a workshop organised by the artist. The starting points of the workshop were two extreme incidents of public violence, misogyny and homophobia: the inhumane lynching and murder of Zak Kostopoulos/Zackie Oh, in public view in the centre of Athens, and the rape and murder of Eleni Topaloudi in Rhodes. At the Reading Group we will talk about feminist practices that destabilise dominant languages, as well as the relationship between word and image as representation strategies. Wordmord traces the possible methodologies of (collective) performative writing as a technology that produces embodied (collective) desires.

Note: Participants in the workshop are invited to bring -if they wish- an excerpt of an abusive narrative that they have encountered online in relation to these two murders.

The reading group meetings are happening via Zoom. Please register by sending an email to or elpidakaraba@gmail.comand we will forward you specific details of how to sign-in on the day of the meeting.

For more information on the work of the Centre and our projects and events you can visit our website


Guests: Peggy Zali-Panagiotis Lianos

The Centre of New Media and Feminist Public Practices transfers its Reading Group series online, Thursdays 18.00 - 21.00 (GR Time, gmt+2). In our reading group, we collectively read and discuss texts that focus on feminist practices, their claims and transformations as well as on public space and globalised economies and technologies. As part of these meetings, we also invite artists to present works coordinated with the work and the research of the Center, aiming to a creative interchange between texts, theory and practice. Since the reading group meetings that we had arranged in the physical space were interrupted due to the pandemic, we decided to continue in the expanded space of the internet. Our online meetings are open to everyone who would like to take part in the discussion.

On Thursday 18 of June we organise our second on line reading group. Peggy Zali and Panagiotis Lianos will present their ongoing project Hollowceneman: The Trap. The artists collected texts produced during a three-month period in which systemic restrictive rules were implemented in order to limit the spread of the virus. These texts were used to “train” a text-based algorithm, which is based on machine-learning technology and recent developments in the field of Natural Language Processing, in order to produce a new text. This new text, following editing, will in turn produce the lyrics of Hollowceneman: The Trap, a rap / trap music track.  Following instructions provided by the artists, participants of the Reading Group will be part of an online workshop focusing on the selection criteria of these texts and the methodology adopted in order to transform these texts into the rap / trap lyrics of a piece of music. Hollowceneman: The Trap derives from collective research undertaken together with Kostis Damoulakis, Domna Degaita and Elias Mokas.

The reading group meetings are happening via Zoom. Please register by sending an email to or elpidakaraba@gmail.comand we will forward you specific details of how to sign-in on the day of the meeting.

For more information on the work of the Centre and our projects and events you can visit our website


Thursday 4 June 2020. Event time: 18.00-21.00

Invited Guests: Panos Sklavenitis - Eva Giannakopoulou

The Centre of New Media and Feminist Public Practices transfers its Reading Group series online, Thursdays 18.00 - 21.00 (GR Time, gmt+2). In our reading group, we collectively read and discuss texts that focus on feminist practices, their claims and transformations as well as on public space and globalised economies and technologies. As part of these meetings, we also often invite artists to present works that they are creating in collaboration with the Centre, aiming to a creative dialogue between texts, theory and practice.

Since the reading group meetings that we had arranged in the physical space were interrupted due to the pandemic, we decided to continue in the expanded space of the internet. Our online meetings will take place on 3 upcoming Thursdays, 4th of June, 18th of June and 2nd of July, and they are open to everyone who would like to take part in the discussion.

On Thursday the 4th of June we are presenting two artists’ projects: Untitled (Don Quixote) by Panos Sklavenitis and Proposal for a Female Workers’ Monument (and a tribute to the female Albanian proletariat) by Eva Giannakopoulou.  We will also read a draft of an adaptation, based on Don Quixote by Cervantes, as well as excerpts from Donna Haraway’s book ‘Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene’ (2016).

The reading group meetings are happening via Microsoft Teams. Please register by sending an email to or elpidakaraba@gmail.comand we will forward you specific details of how to sign-in on the day of the meeting.

For more information on the work of the Centre and our projects and events you can visit our website


3/6/2020 15:00 Teams


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