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Farasi is a zine of the Department of Architecture, University of Thessaly- Laboratory of History, Theory and Conceptual Design for Architecture, City and the Environment.

Editors in Chief: Phoebe Giannisi, Iris Lykourioti, Fani Paraforou

Farasi is a fanzine that is dedicated to the earth, the air, the water, the mountain or the sea. Etymology: arabic ةشارفfarasha, the butterfly, as the form of the farasha resembles an adult butterfly. The butterfly is an insect of the order Lepidoptera. It is born in the shape of an egg, and when it becomes a caterpillar (larva) its glands excrete thin layers of silk, building a cocoon in which it turns into a chrysalis. Emerging from the filamentous shell it takes the form of an adult butterfly with wings. Butterflies are herbivorous and most of them show cases of sexual dimorphism.


Fanzine is a form of publication associated with counterculture and subculture, with public but minority and non-dominant discourse. As a rule, cultural institutions and educational organizations were not official supporters but were the main sites of dissemination and production, even if this was performed in parasitic terms.


My Farasi picks up from the ground what I have swept and what the wind, feet and shoes have brought: dirt, leaves, crumbs, shoots, dog hair and our own, pieces of paper, cement, dust and wool, because each one sweeps its own garbage, garbage of its own place and home - and each sweep presupposes a system and close observation of the floor. Where do we throw away what our farash collects?

Farasi.zineis published by the Laboratory of History, Theory and Conceptual Design of the Department of Architecture, University of Thessaly. In each issue of the first series, a person is invited to intervene through zine in the public sphere. Depending on the media used in each issue, it is distributed in different ways, as a digital archive or in print.

© 2024 φαράσι / farasi