This design studio aims to create spaces governed by morphological innovation and a mixed architectural program. More specifically, it focuses on the architectural constructions that are inspired by biological formations through a biomimetic approach. Digital design tools will be an important part of the studio, students will practice and expand their skills through a variety of exercises during the semester, incorporating this knowledge into the final architectural composition. The aim is to use digital media not only as a design tool, but also as a tool for morphogenesis and architectural thinking, introducing new experimental methods into the design process.
At the end of the course students will be able to:
· Conduct architectural research by design
· Study the area of intervention and identify the particular characteristics of a place
· Harmoniously integrate the building in the artificial or natural landscape
· Understand and design geometrically complex shapes
· Use algorithms and computational tools for architectural design
· Design in various scales from urban design to interior design
· Make design decisions based on parameter analysis
· Use advanced digital representation tools such as photorealism, simulations, animation, augmented reality (Augmented Reality - AR)
· Use advanced digital fabrication tools such as laser cutters and 3D printers
Image 1: Design concept by students A. Karliotis, K. Lyviaki, M. Filopoulou
The studio focuses on the concept of biomimetics and morphogenesis. In the initial stage of the studio, students will explore the ways in which architecture is inspired by nature by studying examples drawn from bibliography and architectural praxis and will will experiment with digital tools for geometric and topological transformations, initially with exercises on a smaller scale and later by formulating an architectural proposal based on their research and understanding of biological forms.
The aim of the course is to design a building of mixed use, which will utilize design principles derived from nature. Through exercises, students will explore the concepts of materiality, morphology and program, integration and adaptation to environmental, social, economic conditions, the relationship of the building to the environment and morphogenetic design processes through digital representations. The program will emerge from the research, in order to respond to the diversified spatian needs (private and public) that will be determined by the study of each region. Emphasis will be placed on the design process, utilizing digital design media, and exploring spatial transformations that respond to the design intent.
The course will be co-taught by Alexandros Efstathiadis - PhD candidate of the Department of Architecture
The course is complemented with lectures by distinguished architects from Greece and abroad.
Image 2: Design concept by students A. Routsias, S. Dabegliotou, S. Agrafioti
Students will work in small groups. The evaluation will be based on exercises during the semester (research, digital experiments, etc.) and on the final deliverable that will be a fully articulated and documented design proposal for a habitable bridge (floor plans, views, intersections, 3D representations, animations).
Students will work in small groups. The evaluation will be based on:
· Research and digital experiments
· The compositional idea of the design proposal
· The plans of the design proposal (floor plans, facades, sections, axonometric)
· Digital models
· The representations of the architectural design with various means, photorealistic representations, animations, Augmented Reality (AR)
The evaluation of students consists of the general activity and participation in the course during the semester and the grade of the final project.
Antoniou, D., Dimopoulos, G., Kontaxakis, D., Symeonidou, I. LIGHTWEIGHT STRUCTURES: Biomimetic - Ephemeral - Digital (in Greek) University Studio Press, 2020.
Hensel, M., Menges, A. (eds). Morpho-Ecologies: Towards Heterogeneous Space In Architecture Design, AA Publications, 2007.
Hensel, M., Menges, A. (eds). Versatility and Vicissitude: Performance in Morpho-Ecological Design,Academy Press, 2008.
Kolarevic, B. (ed.), Architecture in the Digital Age: Design and Manufacturing. 1 edition. Taylor & Francis, 2004.
Leach, N. (ed.), Designing for a Digital World, Academy Press, 2002.
Long, K. (ed.), Hatch: The New Architectural Generation, Laurence King Publishing, 2008.
Lynn, G., Archaeology of the Digital, Ram Publications, 2014.
Picon, A., Digital Culture in Architecture, Birkhäuser Architecture; 2010.
Rahim, A. & Jamelle H. (eds), Elegance, Academy Press; 1 edition, 2007.
Sakamoto, T. (ed), FROM CONTROL TO DESIGN, Actar, 2008.
Spuybroek, L. (ed), Research & Design: The Architecture of Variation, Thames & Hudson, 2009.