Design Studio Required Elective at semester(s) 7, 9, ECTS: 12
Generic Competences: Ability to search for, process and analyse information from a variety of sources using the necessary technologies, Ability to adapt to and act in new situations and cope under pressure, Ability to make reasoned decisions, Ability to work autonomously, Ability to work in a team, Ability to work in an international context, Ability to work in an interdisciplinary environment, Capacity to generate new ideas (creativity), Ability to design and manage projects, Ability to interact constructively with others regardless of background and culture and respecting diversity, Ability to be critical and self-critical , Ability to promote free, creative and inductive thinking.
Dogma, A vision for Bruxelles: imagining the capital of Europe
Analysis, Synthesis, Evaluation
The Studio is focused on challenging the fragile territories of contemporary cities and on developing a critical reading individuating circumstances, constitutive elements, voids, relations among parts, scale and dimensions. This initial investigation and then the further stages of the design process will open a critical understandingof the relationship between architecture and the city. Scope of the design studio is to examine and rearrange how urban space is organized.
The project should strive to re-assemble existing urban materials and to re-elaborate elements, fluxes and connections with the scope to produce confrontation and coexistenceamong urban elements. The matter is not how to define the shape of a stratum by an ordinate and controlled urban process or design idea, but rather how to continue processes of accumulation and stratification. Architecture can be used as a method of investigation to conceive questions and to make hypothesis for future transformations of the city.
The design studio deals with the remnants of the transformationsof the contemporary cities. The given assignmentrequiresto design new collective residences together with public spaces and public facilities with an understanding of the specificity of the place and the understanding of local circumstances. The proposal should envision new relationships with the existing buildings in the surrounding area, as well as a reprogramming of the urban surfaces to generate new public spaces. The design will explore the impact of large-scale and medium-scale interventions and their consequences on the urban landscape, creating a transitional stage between the small scale of existing buildings and the large scale of public facilities.
The course is organized in four phases and it includes a final presentation. For each phase a brief will outlines the purpose of the design and the requirements for the interim presentations so that students are facilitated on understanding the changing of scale of the project for each phase.
The first phase relates to the urban analysis. It aims to help students to understand the scale of the city, the challenges of urban design, and the importance of architecture in relation to the city and the environment. This first phase includes a workshop entitled "Urban Brico(l)lage". The workshop will provide a first contact with the understandingof the scale for an urban designproject. It will build on the importance of using precedents tounderstand basic principles for the composition of a urban design projects. During this first phase, students will create a .dwg file, a three-dimensional modeland a virtual model to support the design process at each stage of the course.
The second phase aims to propose an urban strategy. Strategic planning is based on the urban analysisand its goal is to envisiona scenario for the future of the area of study that should include social housing, public buildings and public spaces. The key objective is to find creative and sustainable ways to achieve a comprehensive approach that encompasses environmental, infrastructure, cultural and other urban dynamics.
The third phase focuses on urban-scale development. Urban design follows the guidelines of strategic planning. The purpose of urban design is to understand the potential of the area with a clear outline of the urban design proposal, that is, a clear definition of the distribution and morphology of buildings and public spaces. This phase also aims to understand the typologies of buildings, the architectural ideas and the archetypes that assists the design process.
The fourth phase relates to the architectural design of a selected buildingor a small group of buildings within the Masterplan proposed during the previous phase. It will focus on the design of social housing and it will include public facilities and public spaces. With regard to housing, students should choose their number and size, determine their variety through different typologies, and test the combination of units, the distribution and the final morphology of the building. The selected area should include an adjacent outdoor space, which should be designed according to the circulation, program and initial concept of the design.
In the final presentation, students should present their entire work, namely Strategic Design (2), Urban Design (3) and Architectural Design (4). The aim of the final presentation is to narrate the vision for the future of the city.
Each phase will be introduced with a lecture providing theoretical and practical support for understanding the course requirements. Lectures will include a reference bibliography, examples of possible intervention strategies, videos, and interviews. The purpose of the lectures is to present the theory of architecture and the city and to ask questions about the problems and issues of modern cities in relation to history, geography, ecology and democracy. The lectures aimalso to present design and representational techniques.
The area of the exercise will be in Rome, Italy.
Students will work in groups of no more than two. The final grade will be based on exercises, on periodic evaluations and on the final presentation. Attendances in class are required and crucialto follow the course program.
Total assessment 100%:
- Urban Analysis 5%
- Strategic Design 15%
- Urban Design 20%
- Architectural Design 20%
- Final Presentation 40%
(The previous grades are usually considered indicatives to check students' progresses during the course. The final grade may be different from the arithmetic sum of intermediate grades)
Aureli, P. V., The City as a Project, Berlin, Ruby Press, 2013
Bacon E. N., Design of cities, Penguin Books, 1969
Carmona, M., Public Places, Urban Spaces. The Dimensions of Urban Design, Oxon, Routledge, 2010
Corner, J. (ed.), Recovering Landscape: Essays in Contemporary Landscape Architecture, New York, Princeton Architectural Press, 1999
Density, New collective Housing, A+T, 2006
Domingo Calabuig, Δ., Castellanos Gomez, Ρ., Abalos Ramos Α., The Strategies of Mat-building, The Architectural Review, 13 Αυγούστου 2013 []
deLapuerta, J. M., Collective Housing: A Manual, Barcelona, Actar, 2007
Domingo Calabuig, D., Castellanos Gomez, R., Abalos Ramos, A.,"The Strategies of Mat-Building", The Architectural Review, 2013 []
Gausa, M. (ed.), Housing + single-family housing,Boston, Mass., Birkhauser-Publishers for Architecture, c2002
Ingersoll, R., Sprawltown, Princeton Architectural Press, New York, 2003
Lerner, J. Urban Acupuncture, Washington, Island Press, 2014
Lorraine, F., Drawing for Urban Analysis, London, Laurence King, 2011
Lynch. K., The Imagine of the City, Cambridge, MIT Press, 1984
Mastrigli, G. (ed.), Superstudio. Opere 1966-1978, Milano, Quodlibet, 2016
Maki, F., Investigations in Collective Form, St. Louis: Washington University, 1964
Matvejevic, P., Mediterranean: A cultural Landscape,Berkeley, University of California Press, c1999
Mostafavi, Μ.,Gareth D., (eds.), Ecological Urbanism, Lars Müller Publishers, Baden, Switzerland, 2010
Panerai P., Castex J. E Depaule J., Isolato urbano e città contemporanea, CLU,P 1981
Rossi, A., The Architecture of the City, Cambridge, Mass. , MIT Press, 2007.
Rowe, C.,Koetter, F., Collage City, Cambridge, the MIT Press, 1978
Shenk, L., Designing Cities, Birkhauser, Basel, 2013
Smithson, A.,Urban Structuring: Studies of Alison & Peter Smithson, Studio Vista / Reinhold, 1967
Tschumi, B., Architecture Concepts: Red is Not a Color, New York, Rizzoli, 2012
Venturi R., Scott Brown D. e Izenour, Learning From Las Vegas, Cambridge, MIT Press, 1972
Xaveer de Geyter Architects, After sprawl, NAI publisher – De Singel, Brussels, 2002