Elective at semester(s) 5, 7, 9, ECTS: 3
Generic Competences: Ability to search for, process and analyse information from a variety of sources using the necessary technologies, Ability to adapt to and act in new situations and cope under pressure, Ability to make reasoned decisions, Ability to work in a team, Ability to design and manage projects, Commitment to conservation of the environment, Ability to promote free, creative and inductive thinking.
Comprehension, Analysis, Synthesis
During the last 30 years (1980 -2010) there has been talk on the future of deserted factories in Greece, which still remain unused, dark sites in the city, where everything stops .
The course aims at the methodology used to deal with issues that have to do with saving and re using industrial buildings.
The main purpose of the course is to approach issues concerned with saving and exploiting industrial monuments, as well as with the consequences they have on the development and creation of a new urban landscape. What is essential is that an interdisciplinary approach has emerged, which covers everything from the potential initial characterization as conservation monument to the final model, as regards its financial management and successful operation.
The course deals with themes such as :
- Industrial Archeology
- The re usage of industrial buildings as a tool for the development of cities
- The methodology for approaching and exploiting industrial buildings, aiming at new uses and functions
- Examining the compatibility of the new use in relation to the architectural and structural logic of the existing industrial shell
- Checking the static adequacy and the new methods of reinforcing the load-bearing structure.
- Bio climatic parameter used in the re usage of the industrial shell.
- Saving and exploiting the existing industrial equipment and company files
- Industrial buildings – spaces where art and civilization thrive.