Arch.Uth Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Arch.Uth Ελληνικά
Elective at semester(s) 5, 7, 9, ECTS: 3



· Emphasis on a global approach to the representation of urban space.

· Visual perception and audiovisual documentation of historic, social and architectural data in an urban or landscape environment.

· Building an elementary Greek contemporary architecture audiovisual data base.


The evolution of the representation of the city from the early cinema to present day video and interactive installations.

Course structure

  • Documentary film basic characteristics.
  • Space in the cinema and the audiovisual arts in general.
  • Iconographic space, architectural space, narrative space.
  • Scenariosandnarrationstructures.
  • Urban soundscape
  • Audiovisual production organization.
  • Camera and Editing principles and techniques.
  • City symphonies of the mid-war period
  • Neo-realism, free cinema, nouvelle vague and the city
  • Experimental cinema and the city
  • Video-art and the city
  • Contemporary trends in representing urban space

The students are asked to create an audiovisual project on a specific building or an urban space.


  1. Visions urbaines: villes d'Europe a l'ecran, Centre George Pompidou, c1994.
  2. Shiel Mark Fitzmaurice Tony, Cinema and the city: film and urban societies in a global context, Blackwell, 2001.
  3. Abel Richard, The cine goes to town: french cinema 1896 – 1914, University of California Press, 1994
  4. Le cinema dans la cite, Kiron, 2001
  5. Krause Linda Petro Patrice, Global cities: cinema, architecture, and urbanism in a digital age, Rutgers University Press, 2003.
  6. Barber Stephen, Projected cities: cinema and urban space, Reaktion Books, 2002.
  7. Visions urbaines: villes d'Europe a l'ecran/
    Paris : Centre George Pompidou, 1994.
  8. Sorlin Pierre, Mass Media, European Cinemas, European Societies: 1939-1990, Taylor & Francis 2007.
  9. Albrecht Donald, Designing dreams: modern architecture in the movies, Hennessey + Ingalls, 2000.