Arch.Uth Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Arch.Uth Ελληνικά

Our School bids farewell to the great architect Christos Papoulias with whom it had the honor to collaborate during the first years of its operation. Christos Papoulias (1953-2024) studied in Venice with professors such as Carlo Scarpa and Aldo Rossi, and served with passion and ascetic dedication a deeply contemplative architecture. Many of his groundbreaking proposals, such as the Erichthonion Museum of the Acropolis and the Urban Rooms of Ljubljana, had great impact and contributed to his international recognition. In the works of Christos Papoulias, the concept of avant-garde acquired one of its leading and most essential realizations in the Greek architectural landscape.


In the context of the course WATER BODIES (Evelyn Gavrilou, Costis Paniyiris) and in collaboration with the walking trails of BIODIVERSITY TRAILSon Tuesday 23.05.2023 at 13.30-17.30a visit to Lake Karlaand places/ locations around it will take place.

The aim is to get in touch with the history of the lake, to learn and understand the function of this man-made lake. The journeywill be made by University bus. Course participants have priority. There are additional places for non-course people.

Persons interested can fillthe doodle below by Tuesday 23.05.2023 midday.

See the poster.

Useful information for the walking trail in greek here.


* TheBIODIVERSITY TRAILSstarted in the course URBAN PLANTING (Mrs. Thalia Marou) with walking trails in the outdoor space of the Polytechnic School of UTH and the abandoned part of Pedion of Areos, continue with the visit of Karla Lake and one or two more walking trails in urban post-industrial spaces in Volos. Organisation and implementation by Eliki Diamantouli (architectural engineer UTH, on-going master student in landscape architecture TUM, visiting student at UTH for her research).


Αll the Erasmus students that attending courses in the spring semester of the current academic year they must have done the following by 17th March 2023:

1. Update of the learning agreement regarding the spring semester

2. Submission of a signed learning agreement by the supervisor at the University of Thessaly and by the supervisor of the Institution of origin.

3. Submission of course declaration to the online secretariat in consultation with Mrs. Koniari Sofia


The introduction to the course ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN  IV-VI B: Hybrid Ecologies by Professor Sophia Vyzoviti, will take place today, Wednesday 2/15 at 18:00 in room D.
Course information:


Time tible for the Spring semester (akademic year 2022-203).


time table of exams-winter semester


This course will start the 2nd week of the winter semester 2022-2023,

The introduction will be held on Thursday 6 September at 18:00-22:00and will continue Friday 7 September at 09:30-13:30

Students who want to find out information on this course can read a brief description at the following link

and/or register via thee-class platform for more information

but also, directly contact the educator via her email:


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