Arch.Uth Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Arch.Uth Ελληνικά

A lecture by Christof Mayer about the spatial practice of raumlaborberlin, explained through a series of projects.

raumlaborberlin is a group of 8 architects based in Berlin, founded in 1999. We work at the intersections between architecture, urban planning and art by means of performative, temporary interventions.

The focus of raumlaborberlin’s works is urban transformarrations and relationships between private and public space. Leftover and difficult to handle urban situations attract us. Artistic and architectural interventions serve us as tools of communication and open up new perspectives for alternative uses, collective ideals, urban diversity as well as difference. We explore and use what we find; the condition of the place and consolidate alliances between local actors and external specialists. The goal is an architecture that succeeds in melting space with subjective experiences, that lets people discover new qualities and leads to an alternative understanding of the city.

Our working method is interdisciplinary and combining different genres. We organize selected teams of experts for each project, linking members of raumlaborberlin with external specialists as needed. Our view of architecture doesn’t only connect to the build environment but rather to an experimental building laboratory for a participatory practice within the public realm. Architecture becomes the tool for finding and inventing the city of possibilities.

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Tutors: Kostas Moraitis, Theoklis Kanarelis, Kostas Manolidis


13/3/2015, 18:00, Dept. Arch Amphitheatre

Wednesday 11/3/2015, 20.30

Gonzalo García-Rosales, architect, professor of the Graphic Design Department at the School of Architecture of Madrid, and professor of the Department of Architecture at the University  of Alcalá.

From mid fifties to mid sixties Spain lived one of its most interesting periods in visual arts, music, cinema and architecture. Walking together in common synergy and merging into similar proposals, projects and ideas, these experimental manifestations have influenced actual art, cinema and architecture, something still not plainly admitted.


11/3/2015, 15:00-18:00, Dept. Arch. Amphitheatre


20:30 Dept. Arch Amphitheater

Volume Magazine was inaugurated in the 2000's with the tagline 'To Beyond or Not To Be'. It was meant as a call to arms for architects and urbanists to think beyond their everyday practice to the larger forces acting on architecture, from economic crises, to demographic aging, to human emotion and so on. This telescoping outwards was meant as a way to break free from the shackles of convention and to find new ways to address the urgencies of the day through architectural intelligence. Former managing editor, Brendan Cormier, will detail his experience working at Volume, the themes they tackled, and the increasing need to think beyond.





16/12/2014, 21:00 Dept. ARCH Amphitheatre

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