Arch.Uth Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Arch.Uth Ελληνικά

Afroditi Maragkou

22/10/2019 15:00-18:00

Room E


8/10/2019 15:00-18:00 Room Ε


Seminars and Workshops Programme: Feminist Practices in the Public Space at the Era of Globalised Technologies.

Workshop 5: Creative Economy. Performing the Gender 

Head of Research: Elpida Karaba

Thursday 27 June, Time: 15.00-18.30- Friday 28 June. Time 12.00 -15.30 Centre, Department of Architecture, 1st Floor, Patari Metaptichiakou

On Thursday 27 June and Friday 28 June 2019, in the Centre of New Media & Feminist Public Practice, the fifth seminar/workshop of the programme will focus on the Creative Economy and performances of the gender.

Seminar: Immaterial Work. Open work. In the literature regarding precarious and informal labour and the labour of care, within which the wider context of post-fordist production is understood, there is a shortage in bringing together, interlinking, gender with sex or gender with ethnicity and with class and class struggles. This seminar brings forth the inextricable relationship between women, especially young women, with the post-fordist production and their role in the emergence of urban cultural industries. We are looking for a historical perspective of the "small actions" of women of previous feminist generations, which have attempted to link creation to political action, which one could call "social enterprises", and to reflect on their prospects today.

Workshop: How we train in multi-tasking, in techniques and strategies of reversal from flexible and precarious workwomen to rightful professionals?


Friday, June 7th, 2019 | 20.30-22.00
Department of Architecture, School of Engineering, Univ. of Thessaly, Pedion Areos

Five thematic routes across the cobblestone paths of Makrinitsa, introducing some of the most characteristic mansions, churches, water fountains and bridges of Pelion.

The project, which is the outcome of the elective course Narrative Trails, unfolds a playful activity for an on-site or off-site tour around the village. The proposals consist of an alternative "educational kit" suggesting thematic maps, collections of visual material and small-scale constructions to familiarize the visitor with the architectural heritage of Makrinitsa.

The event takes place in the context of the pilot project Designing [for] the Pelion routes that is held by the Building Structures Research Unit [ma[K]e] in the context of a multi-disciplinary collaboration between departments of the University of Thessaly and local cultural institutions.

Academic coordinator: Vrontissi Maria, Assistant Professor
Participants: Huseyin Celik, Marie Cointre, Dimitris Lykos, Armando Hermida Medina, Evi Pasidou, Konstantinos Saflekos 


Lecture by Riki van Boeschoten under the title:“ Women in Exile:1947-1953”. Salle E, TAM. Saturday June 1, 2019. 

Organized by the PID program. 


29/5/2019 17:00 Amphitheatre


May 13-28, 2019 | 9.00-21.00 daily
, Department of Architecture

The exhibition presents the student projects that were the outcome of the 3rd semester course BUILDING STRUCTURES II. This year the focus of the course was the research of Frei Otto (1925-2015), who was the recipient of the 2015 Pritzker Prize. The present theme was inspired by the exhibition "Thinking by Modelling" (5/11/2016 - 19/3/2017 _ ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany), that presented - in more than 200 physical models and 1,000 photos - Frei Otto's research at the Institute for Lightweight Structures (IL) in Stuttgart, Germany.

The student works attempt to simulate Otto's experiments - as those are presented across the IL#25-"Experiment" booklet - by employing similar methods, that is by means of experimentation with physical models. Within this context, a broad spectrum of spatial structures is presented (cable structures, funicular arches, catenary geometries, tree-like structures, tensile membranes, pneumatics, geodesics, tensegrities, ...), thus, highlighting the variety of lightweight structures as well as the potential of the physical model as means of inquiry for structural design.

Please visit the on-line exhibition of the course projects.

Instructor: M.Vrontissi, Ass.Professor UTh


23/5/2019 18:00 room Z


Pages: 127 28 29 30 3171