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Blended Intensive Program: The “Freie Universität Berlin”, an ideal city as groundscape

Blended Intensive Program (BIP)
The “Freie Universität Berlin”, an ideal city as groundscape

Berlin 25 April -4 May 2024

Dept. of Architecture University of Thessaly, Αnhalt University of Applied Sciences (Dessau),  Εcole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Nantes (Nantes)  and the University Luigi Vanvitelli (Napoli) co organize a Blended Intensive Program (BIP) within the Erasmus + Framework. The program will take place physically in Berlin from 25 April to 4 May 2024 and virtually before and after these dates. Ten students of the Dept. of Architecture UTH can participate at the BIP. This is the full program of the BIP.

For those interested in the program there will be a meeting at the Department’s open amphitheater Tuesday 26/3/2024, at 14.00 with prof. V. Trova and ass. Prof. F. Micocci