Arch.Uth Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Arch.Uth Ελληνικά


Guest speakers:

Electra Energy Co-operative:
Chris Vrettos

CoHab Athens:
Constantina Theodorou

Coordination: Anthi Kosma

Response: Giorgos Mitroulias




ELECTRA ENERGY COOPERATIVE Energy is a social cooperative enterprisesince 2016. Through civil advocacy, research and consultancy Electra Energy Cooperative works for the transition to a democratic, inclusive, and sustainable energy system with citizens at its coreby supporting new and existing energy communities.

Chris Vrettos is currently conducting a traineeship at the European Parliament. He is working for Electra Energy Cooperative, a social enterprise that promotes the active engagement of citizens in renewable energy production (energy communities) in Greece, the Balkans and abroad. He holds a masters degree from Stockholm Resilience Center on Socio-Ecological Resilience for Sustainable Development. He has worked in multidisciplinary research programs (England, Sweden, Galapagos Islands, Greece, Peruvian Amazon) examining connections between different environmental and social systems. He’s interested in journalism and has co-founded the digital platform The Climate Collective hosting personal stories from around the world on the consequences of climate change.

COHAB ATHENS is an open group, an exchange platform for urban researchers, activists and anyone interested in claiming housing as a right and exploring alternative housing models through self-management and collective ownership in Greece. In collaboration with European networks CoHab Athens has organized workshops for knowledge exchange in Athens and abroad, neighborhood participatory design workshops as well as other initiatives in order to explore the possibilities for the creation of the first project of cooperative housing/collective ownership in Athens.

Constantina Theodorou is an architect and urban researcher.  As a PhD candidate of Urbanism NTUA she is exploring emerging assemblages of geology-infrastructure-politics under the spectrum of climate change. Parallel to academic research, she is engaged with performative practices in urban space (walking lectures, video performances, reactivation of empty spaces). She is a founding member of CoHab Athens introducing cooperative housing in Greece and member of Counterpublics exploring artistic practices in extended public space.