Arch.Uth Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Arch.Uth Ελληνικά
Series of Seminars: Theory and Practice

Series of Seminars: Theory and Practice
Reading Group: Feminist Practices in Public Space in The Globalized Technological Era II

Thursday 5th of December 2019 we start the second circle of seminars at the Centre of New Media and Feminist Public Practices. This year’s seminar will be held as an extended reading group. We will study texts by the writers, S. Ahmed, J. Buttler, R. Braidotti, K. Crenshaw, N. Fraser, B. Friedman, D. Haraway, S. Harding, L. Irigaray, A. Lorde, A. McRobbie, L. Mulvey, G. Spivak, A. Athanasiou, A. Dimitrakaki, a.o., focusing on issues of feminism, technology and culture. During the seminar, artists will present their projects in relation to our reading list aiming to a productive interchange between theory, art and practice.

The seminar will be taking place on Thursdays, 15.00-18.00 at the Department of Architecture.

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