Arch.Uth Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Arch.Uth Ελληνικά
Lecture by Georgios Abakoumkin, Nostalgia

Thursday March 22, 2018, 15:00, Post Graduate course room

Lecture within the framework of the course The Great Number and Nostalgia
Tutors: Iris Lykourioti, Lois Papadopoulos

Georgios Abakoumkin is Associate Professor at the Department of Early Childhood Education at the University of Thessaly. Graduated in Psychology from the University of Tübingen (Germany) and was awarded a Ph.D. degree in Social Psychology from the Panteion University. He is currently working at the Department of Early Childhood Education (University of Thessaly). He teaches courses on social psychology and research methodology in the Department’s undergraduate and postgraduate studies programme. His research interests include social cognition (peripheral cues and preferences), interpersonal relations and health, and intergroup relations (social identity).