Transformations of industrial remnants - Oil rig Intervention
Students are asked to deal with aspects of transformation and reuse of world-wide, contemporary, industrial remnants. More specifically, during the development of the project, emphasis will be given on the research of new practices regarding the function of sea structures for petroleum pumping in addition with design of alternative models of temporary inhabitation.
The architectural design studio is a research and training activity undertaken in collaboration with the UNESCO Chair in “Mediterranean Landscape in Context of Emergency”, Coordination: Università degli Studi Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria (UNIRC)
It is estimated that, nowadays, there are about 12.000 open sea drilling rigs worldwide. During the last twenty years, more than a quarter of world petroleum production stems from them. A lot of them have already used up their productive life time and the interruption of their operation is currently discussed, giving emphasis on the specification of their maintenance program, their mutation or their ultimate destruction.
These structures can be regarded as continents, recreation spaces, pirate islets, cultural oasis, new landmarks, with indeterminate geographical boundaries, with special legal context, in international water regions, that transform the dominant stereotypes concerning inhabitation: safety of solid ground, protection of natural elements, accessibility and easy communication, locality and defined boundaries.
In this sense, the compositional approach encourages manipulation regarding the organization of open sea world as well as its structural formulation. Every proposal should overcome the obvious issue of exclusion and solve problems of autonomy, self-sufficiency, health, safety, etc. interpreting with consistency the relationship between industrial remnants, water landscapes, technology and the new symbiosis condition
Foucault, Michel, Of Other Spaces: Heterotopias, Architecture, Mouvement, Continuité, 1984
Leach, Neil (Ed.), Designing for a Digital World, Academy Press; 2002