Design Studio Required Elective at semester(s) 6, 8, ECTS: 12
Generic Competences: Ability to search for, process and analyse information from a variety of sources using the necessary technologies, Ability to make reasoned decisions, Ability to work autonomously, Ability to work in a team, Ability to work in an interdisciplinary environment, Capacity to generate new ideas (creativity), Ability to interact constructively with others regardless of background and culture and respecting diversity, Commitment to conservation of the environment, Ability to demonstrate social, professional and ethical responsibility and sensitivity to gender issues, Ability to be critical and self-critical , Ability to promote free, creative and inductive thinking.
Teaching Assistants: Giorgos Loukakis
Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, Evaluation
This architectural studio aims to introduce students to a new kind of architectural thought, one that redefines the notion of space within a contemporary, technologically permeated, reality. Students are given the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the development of an architectural vocabulary that brings together physical and digital reality. Consequently, they develop their design capabilities, as well as other, related ways, of audiovisual representation, and at the same time, they start engaging critically with hybrid environments.
Foucault, Michel, Of Other Spaces: Heterotopias, Architecture, Mouvement, Continuité, 1984
Leach, Neil (Ed.), Designing for a Digital World, Academy Press; 2002
McCullough, Malcolm, Digital Ground: Architecture, Pervasive Computing, and Environmental Knowing,The MIT Press; 2005
N. Hirsch, A. Melasniemi, M.Miller, R. Tiravanija (Eds), DO WE DREAM UNDER THE SAME SKY, Sternberg Press, 2015