Arch.Uth Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Arch.Uth Ελληνικά

  The project was conceived as an effort to re-examine and re-organize the industrial area of Thessaloniki in Sindos.
  The concept moves between the will to establish something like a “virus” in the territory of the hard industrial zone that will grow and will develop a contemporary way of life and functions breaking a little bit this territory. A major aim is to use the already existing fabric facilities and personel of the place, but in a different orientation, a cultural orientation.
  More specifically, by using a certain amount of post-industrial buildings that are now empty, it is going to be situated a centre of arts (Cente S.A.S.- Sindos Art Suffix) that will allow a large number of people to be involved with the production, the production of works of art.

Supervisors: Psychoulis Alexandros, Papadopoulos Spiros

Reference Number: 143


The theme f this diplomatic assignment is the architectural planning of the Centre of Elefsinian Research in the city of Elefsina, in a specific area with remarkable archaeological findings, which are protected an highlighted this way.
The choice of the city of Elefsina and the specific area of study was based on a series of criteria. This city with her long history, is of great archaeological interest and today is one of the mot important suburbs of Western Attica. The area has great archaeological value because the part of the ancient Sacred Street that has been discovered in it after excavacations, is one of the few parts of this ancient street that have come to light in Elefsina. On the other hand, the creation of a Centre like that in that specific area is quite compatible with the urban planning and the existing use of the area.
The main parts of the Centre, as far as function is concerned, are an Institute of Greek and Roman Ancient Findings, a Museum and a Library. In the surrounding area of the buildings there is an open place, so that apart from its other functions there is physical access and visual perception of the archaeological findings in the area.
The main purpose of the Centre is the competition systematic research firstly on the archaeological findings of Western Attica and then among others, the creation of Electronic Archaeological Real Estate Registry, having permanent and temporary exhibitions, the contact of visitors with the findings that have been exposed in the area and even giving various information to visitors, so that they are informed, educated or entertained.
The whole architectural composition that is a small urban intervention, is based on other architectural choices, many of which have, metaphorically, started from the meaning of the greek word “elefsis”, which is etimologically connected with the name of the city of Elefsina and characterises many of the functions of the Certre.
The architectural solution that is proposed is based partly on parallel linings to today΄s Iera Odos (Sacred Street) whereas the “continuation” of the lining of this street to the open spaces of the specific area we study is done through the constant change of monument and pause. As far as the above linings are concerned, the already existing archaeological linings have played a restrictive role while planning the new ones, such as linings of buildings, linings of shelters in the open spaces, linings of the shaping of the ground and altitude linings.
Two of the building linings have created, the first the rectangular volume of the Library and the second the rectangular solid volume of multiple uses where the is the Institute, the Museum and an amphitheatre. The third building lining in the shape of “a single continuous line” intersects and goes through the rectangular volume of multiple uses, and creates a twisting building which covers perimetrically a big part of this area. On the points of intersection new forms of volumes (windshields) are produced, which link and give way through the “cut” parts of the rectangular building. The materials on the ground plan are natural and flexible, are interchanged and are able to be in harmony with the scenery of “an archaeological open space”, giving share to almost parallel lanes. The materials in the elevations are connected with the shaping of the ground.
The assignment is accompanied by a series of photographs and sketches.

Supervisor: Papadopoulos Spiros

Reference Number: 125


The subject matter for this project consists of the design and planning for a new Mediatech , situated in the city of Thessaloniki. As an emerging unit , we attempt to place it in an existing array of civic centers , that altogether relate with both the film and documentary festivals that take place in the city .
The chosen site , resides nearby the western entrance of the city , in a place known as “the Old Railway Station “ ( currently the Merchant Center )
The concept of transfer in cinema but also in the station area , as well as the tracking of special qualities in both fields , are elements that we are interested to infiltrate the logic of the structure . Specifically , we choose certain characteristic elements of the region’s iconography and attempt to translate them through the vocabulary of cinematic narration into a new structure.

Supervisor: Trova Vasso

Reference Number: 151


The function of public markets has been identified with the significance of mobile and portable architecture. The search of characteristics and rules of movement emanates from the careful analysis of ephemeral structures. These structures have their roots in the manufactures of nomadic populations which led from the need of transport and adaptation to different conditions created flexible forms. Basic characteristics of these forms constitute the ritual, the personal gesture and the margin of choice in change verifying their identification with the public markets. These characteristics in combination with the needs that result from the analysis of the public markets function lead to the approach of the form.
The process of composition and assembly of individual elements for every structure but also for the entire market reminds a building worksite manufacture. During its process of construction, are used various auxiliary means for support and reconstruction. One of them is also the scaffoldings that are used for support and auxiliary for the realisation of activities in exterior nutshell of a building. This combination leads to the adoption of characteristic elements of scaffoldings for the creation of constructional members of the model. The model is constituted by pipes and nodes synonymous with those that are used in the scaffoldings. Through this way, standardisation and mass production of manufacture are achieved without particular changes in existing trade materials. Developing a constructional system with materials ready from trade without degrade the authorities of operation and form we are led to a more economic solution.
Aim is not the imposition of constant models that will exclude the personal gesture but the creation of flexible forms for the harmonious coexistence of markets with environment space. It becomes an effort of delimitation and emancipation of movement frames and conflict of popular markets, resulting to the creation of introvert manufacture in its entirety. In this way, is achieved the exclusion of the public space from the around space allowing to it and to the space that remains except it to function autonomously and independent. Its invasion in the city is evident imposing its own character and differentiating from the structured environment. The opposition between the strict provision of buildings and manufactures becomes still more intense as long as they function as two different units. In the frames of movement and form search, the streets of markets in the wider region of Volos are indicatively used.

Supervisor: Adamakis Kostas

Reference Number: 118


The area of Metamorfoseos neigbourhood of Volos and especially the area between the two parallel streets : Dimitriados street and Hermou street , are historically an imrortant place of the town with a big economic and cultural activity from the beginning of the 20th century until today.Big buldings were built, that were used for commercial exchanges , cultural activities , touristic enterprices and also andministrative necessities or permanent houses .
The project concentrates on the study of conservation of a group of five buldings, with total area space of 1026.14sm , in the square 283 and its convertion into a music multi space. The four buldings are used as hotels, warehouses and commercial shops , with abandoned parts and the fifth is abandoned on the whole. Three of the five buldings have been judged as preserved in 1991. The study includes imprinting of the group , documentation and proposal of its new use. More concretely, it includes the following:
• there are general elements about the wider area , the urban’s web place, in which the square of buldings 283 belongs,
• there is a detailed description of the group of buldings that includes plans and photographs from the visits to the group,
• there is a presentation of the construction elements which were composed from observation on the spot and from the finding and the study of features from the documents of the Magnisia’s borough and the municipality of Volos,
• there is a determination of the buldings’ phases ,
• there is the proposal for its conservation , because of its architectural and historical value , the neighbouring squares of buldings which include other maintenance buldings, with public uses and especially with the municipal conservatory for which the proposal is to complement the needful spaces that isn’t of disposal until today, for the complete function and the group’s adapting to the new uses.

Supervisors: Theologidou Cleopatra, Vrontissi Maria

Reference Number: 154


The district of the project is mountain Hymettus, one of the five mountains of Attica, that has maintained its biodiversity. Hymettus was known from the ancient times, for its marbles and honey.
In low altitudes the place is covered with Mediterranean plants. As the altitude increases, the visitor observes small plants, which are proper for animals’ food. That’s why the mountain is full of paths, created years ago.
The specific area of the project is delimited by the ring road of Hymettus and the limits of municipality of Papagos suburb. In this area are included, a women’s monastery of Saint Ioannis, a tennis club and a few beehives that belong mainly to amateur apiarists.
The hole area is characterized by panoramic beautiful view and by the destruction of the natural landscape for various reasons. (parking, waste disposal, etc.)
The purpose of the project, is to restore the natural landscape, to create a supralocal pole for contact with the nature and finally to give the chance to existing and new apiarists to assemble all the phases, from the production to the marketing of honey, in a specific area.
The first phases of the project are those of the analysis of the region. Analysis of streets and paths and variety of plants.
The planning of the new plantings and footpaths was created as a reproduction of the elements of the environment. There are cases that the plantings imitate the existing vegitation and elsewhere the proposed landscape provides bigger concentration of apiarian plants.
The logic of absolutely distinguishable intervention was used in the planning of the buildings.
This apiarian park includes new plantings and new paths that are connected with the existing paths of region, a complex of five new buildings of minimal dimensions and footpaths with cannobies and sitting areas. There are provided spaces for beehives, in which will be assembled the scattered beehives of region and new ones also. Each apiarist might use the installations in order to pack and sell his product in apiarian park. The basic building includes rooms of concentration, storage and packing of honey, and a place of destroyed beehives repair. There is also a space for informative and recreational events, a cafeteria, an office for the person in charge and sanitary area for the visitors.
The panoramic view of the district from the north approach allows the visitor to organise the way that he prefers to follow, depending of the weather and the time he wants to spend there.
The materials that were used in the building and at the landscape constructions, reflect the relation with the natural environment, to create an interesting and also homogeneous picture.
The framework columns of the buildings, are made of iron elements, that hold the slabs of reinforced concrete. Cement panels are covering the metal skeleton, shaping the perimetric walls.Those are also covered with wooden panels of various sizes. These wooden surfaces will be painted with colours in soft earth nuances. The concrete roofs will be covered on the top with natural gravel. Brown-gray nuances of the gravels roof, and the soft earth nuances of the perimetric wooden panels, make the building similar with the remainder landscape.
There are two types of coverings at the pergolas. The first type will be constituted from wooden beams and the second type of covering will be manufactured by films of oxidized coper, with binding seams to various directions, giving the sense of a fold shelter.
The footpaths that are covered with pergola, will have for floor wooden boards. The other footpaths will be constructed of concrete with final coating by pebbles.
Additional areas of flooring are made of natural parallelepipedal stones, which are placed on the soil with intermediary rabbet. These areas will intervene between the two types of paths and between natural ground and path. The paths on where the multicolour beehives are organized, will be shaped with this last type of flooring.

Supervisor: Manolidis Kostas

Reference Number: 144


This degree thesis is about designing an urban residence including an architectural studio for a four member family.
The plot we chose lies at Volos. It is a corner plot looking at the sea. The site was chosen due to the fact that it is related to the urban landscape and at the same time to the natural one.
The research began by studying the living actions that occurred within our families. Our goal was to understand the special uses of the space in the residence during the everyday life of the families. By that came into light some unexpected actions in the residence which are though the most important through the day. These actions were recorded by video and later transformed into artwork.
Recording the change of light and shadow at the plot we entangled the “life” of the plot with the life of our families in order to create our own residence space.
It is a five storey house with area 335.9 m² . the outer walls are made of concrete but the inside faces are plastered and painted white. The curved elements that came from the living actions are also made of concrete, plastered and painted white. There are also some walls that are made of LiTraCon.
The stores close by folding glass doors which, when open, allow the whole space to be open. The view is towards the landscape of the house and the landscape of the sea.
The central stair is also made of concrete and looks like a sculpture.
The floors are covered by wood, pebble and grass. Natural materials.
The “landscape” of the residence is completed by using plants and water. There are big window-boxes, the wall of the stair is covered by a creeper plant and a big tree is placed next to the water- the pool.
Our goal was to create a residence to look like a sculpture either someone stands out side either inside.

Supervisor: Kotionis Zissis

Reference Number: 117


  In the eastern districts of the city of Volos exists the preservable industrial building of MEFSOUT. In addition to the very effective work that has been done, in the reuse of important industrial buildings, mainly by the university of Thessaly and the Municipality of Volos, it is proposed the operation of an infantile station, which is needed in this area and the constitution of a small cultural centre of the neighborhood, in step with the creation of free space of green.

Supervisor: Adamakis Kostas

Reference Number: 146