The project is an attempt to approach the par excellence public space of the block, the open air space. It is based on the theoretical research that came before and had the intension to investigate the comprehension, behavior and activity of the users in the open space, in an existing block. Despite the fact that the open space could be livable and exploited as a common action space, due to its scale and the good climatologic conditions that prevail in Greece, it is a hardly used and mistaken space.
The above conclusion led to the creation of a legalism, instead of the article 13 of the General Building Law of Greece of the year 2000, about the “active” block, the application of which is proposed on an existing block.
The project aims at the jumping over the malign consequences that create the separated study of each building site, at the exploitation of the open space of the block, and the service of the social needs of the habitants of the block, at the rehabilitation of the block, especially by the unification of the open spaces of its building sites, the opening up, at the ground floor of the buildings, of accesses from the common use space to the united open air space of the block, the creation of spaces and installations of common use in order to serve its habitants, at the rehabilitation of the rooftop and the facet of the buildings of the block, and in general at interventions that promote the amelioration of the living conditions of the habitants.
The article that is proposed defines three degrees of intervention, each one of which is the evolution of the previous, allowing the choice of the appropriate intervention. In addition, the benefit of financial motivations is proposed in order to implement the law.
As an example for the enforcement of the proposed law, is chosen the open space that is located in the interior of a rectangular block at Bolos, in a short distance from downtown and is the result of seven open spaces of different apartment buildings, as it is a typical case of such a form of space in a block of the Greek city.
Supervisor: Antonas Aristide
Reference Number: 2

Gypsies insist on the confection of their ‘severalty’through morals, mores, ritual organizations and cultural features, in spite of their conjunction with the society. All these determine a certain type of social behaviors and territory fabrications, which I’ve studied in my project. The cause of this research guide me to design a residence model, which is appropriate for gypsies permanently settled in some region and it’s either granted from the state or its my suggestion in a civilian gypsy, who visited my as a customer.
At the project house is anticipated the residence of two families, as usual. There are three buildings, the first is the storehouse, the other is the main house and the last is a bi-level construction, which is designated for the groomed couple.
The whole configuration is based on the standards and the status conditions of the gypsies’ residences that I have already studied. Purpose of this construction is the ability of residence to ‘unfolds’and‘huddles’in proportion of the season because the gypsies have a particularly relationship with the countryside and they seek after having a constant touch with it.
Special constructions have anticipated also, that facilitate their day-to-day life. These are system of laundries washing, two - way kitchen, stock wall, splitting panels, and finally motile fencing. Each one of these constructions has been studied in a bigger scale so that can be more clear their action.
Closing, is suggested an organization of a built – up area which is comprised from standards of residence in a kind of quotation in order to create neighborhoods with common grounds for the development daily activities, in which the residencies turn their faces.
Supervisor: Giannisi Phoebe
Reference Number: 1