Through a process of deconstruction of everyday clothing as well as the human body, a garment- object is being constructed; open to the way of its use, it creates temporary situations between bodies, space and the object itself, through the choices of the user.
The final structure is a large two-dimensional surface composed of units, each one associated with my body, that vary in size and geometry. Made of materials on the verge of paper and fabric (semi- transparent paper and natural kraft paper fabric) and a binding mechanism that can attain multiple connections (Velcro), the units can be used by one or more persons and have the ability to fold, interconnect and build multiple clothes, objects and spatial structures, depending on the desires of the user. The geometry of the pieces and properties of the materials used, create constraints on the connection of the units and the movement of the individual, but also create new opportunities in the use of the object.
The combination of two different materials generates continuous gradations in visual and functional permeability causing ambiguity in the boundary between the second (garment) and third skin (space).
e use is imprinted onto the material influencing the shape and forming a code of reading. Each new connection is based on the creativity of the user and this second skin becomes a context of personal expression and active process of space production . The body is being deconstructed, space is defined differently and the garment becomes the marginal structure that regulates the transition from private to public.
Supervisors: Gavrilou Evelyn, Lykourioti Iris
Reference Number: 366

The subject of the research revolves around the characteristics that a novel public space could have, a space of the commons one that is inhabited by the multitude. These concepts are referencedas they have been set to the forefront by A. Negri, M. Hardt and P. Virno, attempting to interpret the modern globalized reality.
The metropolis is considered to be the natural space of the multitude, "the factory" of the bio-political production. Τhe multitude, is the predominant way of existence for the modern human. In the modern metropolis though public space is underpersecution.
The expansion of the subject comes through the construction of a building, whose scope is to function as a condenser of the "commons". This building is a platform of functions, that is deluged by the multitude of the metropolis.
The encounters and the interaction of the multitude is the main challenge that we aim to meet through the structure. In a space where we imagine information, knowledge and emotions flowing. The building is not placed in a specific location, but could be in any site of the city with a large urban density, forming a sort of pause in the urban continuity. It evolves on the motion level of the city, the zero level and functions as a passage as well as a condenser.
Supervisor: Lykourioti Iris
Reference Number: 416

The thesis aims to design a floating structure complex at the Zurich's Lake, which will house cultural and entertainment activities. The complex will be available to citizens of Zurich to use throughout the year by seasonal changes to usages.
The area that will facilitate the complex is located at the west suburbs of Zurich, in a green area rich with places for daily activities along the lakeside.
The aim of the thesis, as well as the location chosen to house the complex was selected based on two main reasons.
Firstly, the natural connection of the city with the lakeside settlements and secondly the lake's water level changes that assigns the area (ήprovides the area with) an interesting singularity.
The usages of the complex are an outcome of the natural connection, since the platform would house activities that reinforce existing ones in the area or fulfil some needs by adding new ones. The various usages led to the design of a floating structure which will connect to the mainland and some floating ones that will move around the settlements.
The changes of the lake's water level will define the platform's form which will interact with its environment and with the users of the area. The changes of the form will create a fluid interactive structure which will allow to the lake's water to flow through the platform and create new parts of the lake. Moreover, the uses of the platform will be influenced by the alternative scenery which depends on the time of the year.
Supervisors: Lykourioti Iris, Gavrilou Evelyn
Reference Number: 389

This thesis concerns the design of a supralocal Day Care Centre in Athens and specifically in the area of Kolonos. The main objective is the development of an environment and framework which could function as a point of reference for the children, both as a shelter and a starting point.
Further to addressing basic needs, such as food and health, the day care centre aims to act as a learning centre, providing opportunities and stimuli, helping children to develop their imagination, creativity and social skills. Through organized activities, such as drawing, pottery, music and dance, children will be given the chance to discover new interests and talents.
From the early stages of the design procedure, the children’s freedom to circulate in a protected, hospitable and friendly environment acted as one of our main guidelines.
In an aim to differentiate from the ambiguity of the surrounding area, the concept is a clean and inviting gesture.
The interchange of different qualities of space, the transitions from indoors to outdoors and vice versa, dictated the mould of the subsequent spaces.
The orientation of the plot and its close proximity with a street of heavy traffic, acted as our first design parameters. The building is open towards the south and is closed on the side of the street. It develops following an upward spiral course around a central courtyard. The continuous flow of the structure is interrupted by a covered outdoor amphitheater and multipurpose area, and is released into an elevated dance room.
Supervisor: Paniyiris Costis
Reference Number: 365

Watching the enchanting landscape of Vravrona, I tried to carve my own "lines" on it, always respecting the rich history and beauty.
In the area, there is a path which has been formed gradually over the years. Following this path, I began to notice the particular features of the landscape.
The orientation and the maintenance of a route were not always easy. As in any tour, it was necessary to find reference points for smooth browsing.
The continuous offering and hiding of optical information, the repeated alternations of the visual escape, the continuous capture of emotions and the intense subsequent changes of land and sea, led me to the area’s separation into sections. In combination with the area’s morphology of each section, the thematic units that occurred were:
- Entrapment
· Relaxation
· Escape
· Contemplation
The basis for this distinction, beyond the actual morphology of the landscape, was the existence of strong dipoles; the dramatic changes of land-sea, perspective and various other activities.
The paths of the course came out of the paths of ships in the area. Through a process of removing, marking, adding, and reduced duplication, orbits were placed onto topographic, wherever necessary.
Turning it into the real dimension, the tracings were acquired material existence, with each line or formation representing one of the following material: gravel, pebble, cobble, stone, wood, metal, concrete.
In order to obtain the course more interesting and attract visitors, there were placed seats, sunshades and lights, which offer the possibility of staying the whole day in the area.
Supervisor: Kotionis Zissis
Reference Number: 383

The plot of land is at the northwest entrance of the city of Rethimno and specific is located at the area of Koumpe, just 5 min from the cent of the city. From the south is Stamathioudaki Street and north is the waterfront of the street cred.
The existing building is an old factory. The factory manufactured soap and later on produced mushrooms. The building is abundant and in very but shape which makes it very dangerous.
At the plot except the main building there is the stack (chain smoker) and the building which had the machine of the factory, this two are declared a nature from the ministry of culture.
The area until today was an industrial section of the city, but now it starts to accommodate housing mainly for students and commercial stores.
The new use of the building:
The building is divided in to sections, the hotel unit and the multicenter with stores restaurant coffee shop, bar, spa and open spaces for the public.
From the site of Stamathoudaki Street is the hotel, with more private entrance for the customers. At the sea front are the public spaces with the bars and the stores. The chain smoker and the machine building are remain as they were the building becomes a museum.
The grain stores are becoming the connection (bridge) of the two different sections of the building. It becomes the center point of the general design of the project (a modern stairway).
Supervisor: Gavrilou Evelyn
Reference Number: 408

This diploma deals with the reconstruction of the commercial pier in the port of Volos and the creation of a new urban experience, which will constitute landmark for the area. One of the basic characteristics of the city of Volos is its extensive seafront, which acts complementary to the residential areas of the city or has the potential of a future integration into the city. Taking under consideration the needs of the region and the special features of the intervention area, the design is based on a general intent to develop the seafront and the free open space of the pier by creating an urban park which will have a local and supralocal character. Moreover, it will contribute to the creation of new relationships and interactions and will reinforce the feeling about return to the nature. In parallel, I tried to explore the capability of the pier to get rid of its tough, programmatic and visual, character and taking advantage of its strategic position to make it constitute a landmark, which will convey the social life into the public space and will connect the urban area with the seafront. Last but not least, basic characteristic of the project in the framework of the reconstruction of the natural seafront of the pier is the preoccupation about a plethora of novel uses and functions, that deal with the transformation of Silo and new buildings of the diploma project and aim to convert Volos to a metropolitan center.
Supervisor: Triantafillidis Giorgos
Reference Number: 418

The areas identified as an influence of a strange memory with the denaturation of fantasy and necessity lying beside, may hide beautiful images of desires and fictional renderings, but also repulsions, distorted truths, terrifying traps.
In a city that has limited its senses and perception of free individuals, in a city where the indifference of the soul and body, perception of space and thus came to be abandoned as a ruin, where the first solution is a return of the repressed familiarity and because it will not come as intimacy, but the “anoikeiosis” will awaken the consciousness. The “oikeion” now needs to be recognized as lost through an unconscious recognition, that is the will and respect of the irregular operation, the difficulty in creation of its form, and the willingness to change until reaching the ‘’new world’’. A new revival of perception, a new daydream where the soul and the body were trapped. The shapes of nature and the prohibition of modern man come to wrap the recurring and standard schemes that are hostile to dreams.
Constructions affected by prohibitions and unconscious daydreams. A difficulty in the form comes from the necessary exit as the only choice. A plant, a liquid material, a shape, a path, if they are limited in some direction, will automatically rush irregularly towards another direction. If the blocking of all exits will be investigated, then the material that lies inside will cause the explosion from which will be released again.
Supervisors: Gavrilou Evelyn, Tzirtzilakis Yorgos
Reference Number: 415