Arch.Uth Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Arch.Uth Ελληνικά

One of the biggest problems in Athens and Attica was and is the lack of spaces of green and recreation in urban regions. Few of the free spaces (the parks, the thickets, the hills), carry out the aim for which they were originally created. Such a case constitutes the region of study.
Tourkovounia is the highest and most extensive hill in central Attica and it shapes the natural limit between the municipalities of Galatsi, Physico, Filothei and Athens. The hill of Alepotripa constitutes a rocky shaping in south-western utmost of the Tourkovounia, while the hill of "Pediou" (north of Alepotripa) constitutes extension of the school group of Grava and the unique thicket in a very wide region.
The planning was based on the existing topography of the hills and their older use as place of excavation of lime stones. In the proposal, the whole region is shaped with platforms having as a result the creation of a new artificial landscape. These platforms have hypsometric differential between them of about half metre, while in enough cases because of the mapping out of the corridors the rocky ground is steeply cut, with result the creation of tall vertical surfaces of rock (artificial precipices - ravines).
Also with the process of rock-blasting or, in opposite cases, embankment, are created meeting places or spaces for game and viewing, but also corridors that unify them and make possible their approach with, as much as possible, softer bents. With regard to the use of the flat spaces, certain of them are thus shaped that in summer they function as open state swimming-pools while the remainder months (depending on the weather) they function as open ice-rinks or simply squares. The platforms that are created round the flat spaces are shaped so as they constitute spaces where visitors can seat. Thus the configuration of region around almost all the meeting places of is such so that they resembling amphitheatres. It is also proposed the improvement of planting in the two hills with the creation of dense planting or rows of trees that intensify the linearity of corridors.

Supervisor: Kanarelis Theoklis

Reference Number: 124


Supervisor: Papadopoulos Spiros

Reference Number: 115


Supervisors: Tzirtzilakis Yorgos, Psychoulis Alexandros, Gavrilou Evelyn

Reference Number: 149


Fikardou is one of the few appreciable traditional settlements of Cyprus that maintains up to today its architectural character and its traditional way of life, far from the abrupt built-up changes that affected the authentic physiognomy of other settlements. Simultaneously, however it has been affected by the tendency of urbanism and abandonment of countryside.

The project, concentrates in the study and re-establishment of a group of buildings in Fikardou village. It is a small group of three buildings, with total area space of 668 m ².One building of the group is maintained in relatively good condition while two of them are in bad situation. Before their abandonment they were used as residences. The study includes imprinting of the group, documentation, proposal of re-establishment and addition of new buildings in adjacent plot.

More concretely, it includes the following units:

1. In the first unit there is a presentation of the settlement of Fikardou, with its geographic position, the origin of its name, its climate and geomorphologic conditions as well as information about its population. There is also a description of the way the settlement is connected with the region around, the road network and the land use.

2. In the second unit, there is a detailed description of the residences of the group.

3. The third unit deals with the building phases, which emanated from observation on the spot, written testimonies and photographic material. (Year of construction does not exist for any residence).

4. The fourth unit approaches the pathology of group, which emanated from a recording on the spot.

5. The fifth unit includes the proposal of re-establishment and its new uses, as well as an addition of a new group of buildings for the needs of the visitors.

Supervisors: Theologidou Cleopatra, Panetsos Panayotis

Reference Number: 119


  Reason of maintenance is the existence of basic frame of beginnings and directions that should condition each frame of interventions in the space of Salonica’s harbor. Reject of new demolitions and absolutely checked layout. The new buildings will be supposed to include itself in the historical urban organization, in the scale but also in style of existing situation. The administrative buildings, (offices of eleuthera zoni) have historical and typological value. Buildings of deposits, as the cooling deposit, they stress the character of historical web and they should be maintained. The very good situation of manufacture of the two buildings constitutes another reason of maintenance. Trough the process of imprinting was recognized the values of the buildings, placing criteria that should be calculated at the intervention. The phase of imprinting contributed in the comprehension of phases of development which it followed a total proposal for the common exploitation for both buildings. Many buildings in the port area changed their use in order to follow the general plan of integration of the port with the city. A re-use with respect always in the character of the port, harmonized at the same time with the modern data. The new use is a multifunctional space. It is a multi-centre for lectures, seminars, an exhibition space, coffee bar, as well as a series of auxiliary spaces for these operations. The proposal is distinguished by the unit styles and the discretion of intervention, ensuring the smooth continuity of development of the building. The structural system is maintained. The existing manufacture of the fridge-building with the stone, and the insulation achieves the saving of energy. The central corridor unifies the buildings. The addition of previously floor aims in a morphological connection with the existing building, ensuring however with the use of modern materials and planning the discrimination of old with the new always with respect for the existing architectural values. The exhibition space with the coffee bar, motivate people to visit the new building. The linear and continuous for all the height of the fridge building wall, with the use of ramps instead of dividing, links the exhibition spaces inviting visitors to explore the opposite side. Between floors there is continuity because of the void.

Supervisor: Theologidou Cleopatra

Reference Number: 155


Inside of the responsible tourism logical and the scuba diving practise in Aegean sea, it will display a float platform for diving. This is a tourist grid on Aegean sea, for the development of the country and to support the natural health. This float platform in other program can be change his applications and use it for fish-farming. Human and the fluid element the are coming closer to the activity level, but the most interesting is the living on the sea.

Supervisors: Vyzoviti Sophia, Tsangrassoulis Aris

Reference Number: 114


Supervisor: Antonas Aristide

Reference Number: 133


From the ancient years this place has been a holy place.
Through the history of this place the one civilization follows the other and keeps some pieces of the past.
The evidence of the past.

The project changes this place to a holy place with double identity.

Searching the relics of the Christian past,
revealing the palimpsest of the history,
considering the present - absent "Other",
the all project is a construction - excavation.
Is necessary an immersion to the ground
because the place must be ready to host the "Other"
anytime he comes back.

The double identity had been kept as a relation
between a host and a guest.
The relation that hospitality indicates.

The place of the cemetery is opposite the threshing floor.
"if finally the place was Digenis
the threshing floor must be in the middle.
From the one side the death and from the other the life and in the middle the threshing floor."
To the place of the death there is a road that makes us neighbors.

The monk has as a dept the hospitality.
Wait the visitors.
The host begins from the place of the fountain.
The place offer some water and some place to rest.
The hostel shares the blessing.

The courtyard has been placed in the middle of the all project.
The cells of the monks have been placed in a different level to provide privacy to the monks.

Supervisor: Kanarelis Theoklis

Reference Number: 129