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Εργαστήριο των Mario RINKE & Alessandro TELLINI: Material Reading/ Material Sketching

Στα πλαισια του μαθηματος Αρχιτεκτονικη Συνθεση III-IV: ΙΓ: Re-Hub_Designing Out Waste, το διημερο Πεμπτη 31 Οκτωβριου & Παρασκευη 1 Νοεμβριου 2024, θα πραγματοποιηθει στο Τ.Α.Μ. το εργαστηριο Material Reading/ Material Sketching απο τους Mario RINKE και Alessandro TELLINI, ιδρυτες του ερευνητικου σχηματος Την Πεμπτη 31 Οκτωβριου θα γινει και διαλεξη με θεμα Making Things/ Makers/ Worlds (Αμφιθεατρο του Τ.Α.Μ. 17:45-18:30).
Η επισκεψη πραγματοποιειται στα πλαισια του προγραμματος ERASMUS+, παραλληλα με τις εκπαιδευτικες δρασεις του ερευνητικου εργου Crafting Circularity.

Mario is a Professor at the Faculty of Design Sciences at the University of Antwerp. Trained as a structural engineer and working in architecture for some years, he researches and teaches structures and construction in architecture. Mario holds a Diploma in civil engineering from the Bauhaus University Weimar and a PhD from ETH Zurich and worked as a design engineer for major offices in London and Zurich. He taught at the architecture department at ETH Zurich, the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences, and the Tor Vergata University Rome. In design and build workshops, he explored material-based design and craftsmanship. He co-founded the International Association of Structures and Architecture (IASA).

Alessandro TELLINI
Since 2014, Alessandro has been the head of the Rapid Architectural Prototyping Laboratory (Raplab) and the main lecturer for Model and Design at the Department of Architecture ETH Zurich. He runs his Zurich-based design and craft practice, Faber Atelier, with his partner Elisa Alessi. Trained as both a graphic and product designer, he developed a strong interest in pedagogy, fabrication, and construction throughout his career. He applied his practical knowledge in various settings, including architectural modelmaking, product development, the fabrication of large-scale architectural prototypes, and in international workshops and conferences. Teaching, researching, and investigating projects at the intersection of craft knowledge and design thinking are always at the core of his activities.