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Διάλεξη Angelo Bertolazzi: Contemporary to Permanent - Elemental Settlement by Alejandro Aravena, Chile, 2001-2004

Στο πλαίσιο του μαθήματος ΑΡΧΙΤΕΚΤΟΝΙΚΗ ΣΥΝΘΕΣΗ ΙV-VI Ι: Designing Emergency: Mετεγκατάσταση των οικισμών μετά την καταστροφή στο Θεσσαλικό Κάμπο, την Τρίτη 21/5 στις 18:00 θα πραγματοποιηθεί διάλεξη με τίτλο "Contemporary to Permanent: Elemental Settlement by Alejandro Aravena, Chile, (2001-2004)” από τov Angelo Bertolazzi, Università di Padova, Ιταλία, στην αίθουσα E.

Angelo Bertolazzi (* 1978), engineer, is Associate Professor (ICAR/10) at the Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering (DICEA) of the University of Padua. He trained at the Department of Architecture, Urban Planning and Surveying (DAUR - University of Padua), the Department of Architecture (DA - University of Bologna) and at the Ecole Doctorale Villes Transportes et Territoires (Universitè Paris-Est), where he received his PhD in 2013.
His research focuses on the analysis and classification of existing buildings (techniques and materials) of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, with particular attention to the themes of prefabrication and to the recovery project of twentieth-century buildings with new materials and light reversible structures and to the themes of fire safety engineering.