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Διάλεξη του Giuseppe Gavazza: Let’s dense! Densité, Entropie, Composition: How can sounds inhabit a space?

Θα έχουμε τη χαρά και την τιμή να δεχθούμε τον Giuseppe Gavazza ως μέρος του μαθήματος Ambiances Sonores (και κλειστοι χώροι) με θέμα ομιλίας "Let’s dense! Densité, Entropie, Composition: How can sounds inhabit a space?" τη Δευτέρα 15 Απριλίου 2024, 14:00-17:00, στην αίθουσα E.

Presentation: The incipit was the question: “Since we have mentioned a symphony orchestra-how about the concept of density in music?” ". In the search for answers, I will propose a few pieces of music chosen by freely following the thread of related principles: entropy as a measure of intensity and the act of composing as an assembly of multiplicities. The principle of musical sequence (cadence) will be used to propose a series of dualities such as: organized/disorganized, harmonic/disharmonic, consonant/dissonant, noise/silence, pleasant/unpleasant...

Based on a phenomenology of musical interpretation that I conceive with an ecological posture, the choice of pieces will be made under the consideration that listening embodies an organic action of a sound/musical body which encompasses the performers (in their broadest sense), space and listeners. And that living can be interpreted as: filling, animating, occupying, living, resonating, dancing…

“Writing about music is like dancing about architecture” (Quote attributed in the last century to many musicians, artists, writers)