Arch.Uth Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Arch.Uth Ελληνικά

 The study and design of a tourist accommodation friendly to its users, in the most "inhospitable" northern part of the island of Mykonos, because of the strong winds that blow during most days of the year.

 Generally the climate of Mykonos is characterized by strong northerly winds mainly during the summer months, the so-called meltemia, which have an intensity of about 7-9 BF which in places can reach instantaneously 11-12 BF. Almost the entire island receives these winds, but in its southern part they arrive weakened. Also the wider area of the Cyclades is the driest-thermal of Greece and receives the least rainfall. For this reason, the island, like the rest of the Cycladic islands, is characterized by dry-vegetable vegetation.

 In this work, an attempt is made to demonstrate the fact that, through design and through the use of very simple practices and methods, the ideal conditions of habitation can be produced even in conditions of strong winds with a long duration just as in the place where this study is placed.

 The location where this work takes place is the area "Faros Armenistis" located in the north-northeast part of the island of Mykonos. Further north of this point there is no other island (or more generally some physical barrier) which makes the winds reach this point unabated.

 The study starts at the site. Two small hills, aligned vertically in the direction of the wind, are the first and main element of protection from the air. Our complex is placed among these natural tumors, uses them against the weather. Turns them into windbreakers.

 In the same way, just as the two hills, located on either side of the complex, so a series of stone walls, vertical to the wind, enclose the buildings. Artificial this time.

Supervisor: Kanarelis Theoklis

Reference Number: 843


 The University of Thessaly is a new university. The Technical School is located in the building complex “Pedion tou Areos”, at the exit of the city to Athens. Pedion tou Areos and its wider area are constantly being reshaped for the completion of the Polytechnic complex. The large number of students active in the University indicates the lack of infrastructure for their various needs. The aim of this thesis is to design a building with a variety of activities and spaces such as restaurant, gym, reading and working areas, seminar rooms, projection and play areas that promote team spirit and interaction between them. Combining activities and functions with both educational and enterteinment character.

 The chosen site is located on Athens Avenue, so it is easily accessible while at the same time it is possible to create a landmark building on the Polytechnic complex.

Supervisor: Gavrilou Evelyn

Reference Number: 798


ThepurposeofthisthesisisthedevelopmentofastudentcampusfortheUniversityofThessaly,in combination with the construction of agricultural crops, in the city of Volos andspecifically in the district of “Palaia”.

Theareaofstudyisfocusedonaflatsiteof 35 acres,onthestreetsZachou, Almirou, LachanaandVotsi. Theparticularsitehasbeenchosenbecauseofitssizeandlocation, as it is placedright across the majority of polytechnic universities and far from the densely populated urban area of the city. Atthesametime, ithasadirectconnectionwiththeurbanandintercitytransportand more specifically with the train and the bus station.

The inability to meet the housing needs of students, due to the current existing infrastructure, impelled us to create this project.

The building complex of our thesis includes the constructionof student dormitories with a capacity of 310 students, a library, a sports center with an indoor swimming pool, a restaurant and a café.Moreover, it comprises the construction of outdoor areas, such as the amphitheater and the design of green spaces which constitute meeting points for entertainment and artistic activities for students.The purpose is the improvement ofthe quality of life of students as well as their socialization.

Finally, thecreationofcrops, whichconsistofverticalcropsinthebuildingofstudentdormitoriesandconstituteanintegralpartofthem,the orange grove in the northern part of the site and the ecological greenhouses in the south, aim at activating students, gaining skills and understanding financial issues arising from these activities, as well as a partial economic independence of students, through the same consumption of their products or the sale of them.

Supervisor: Stylidis Iordanis

Reference Number: 808