This diplomatic project researches the transformed role of the Library in today’s community and how the Library’s typology can become a parameter for urban constitution, considering both the Library’s function and it’ s architectural design. The designing proposal of this diplomatic project locates in the center of Chalkis city and contains a city’s block and a nearby square that are abandoned for over 10 years. The purpose of the design tries to give a solution according to the social and special needs of the area.
If the city’s development premises the education, the cultural cultivation and the general awareness of it’ s citizens, then the extended role of the Library as an important cultural term is considered as one of the basics for the area’s revival and the society. The location of the project’s area in the city is also interesting as it is accessible and overflowed by people during the day from different social groups. This social constituency and the realignment of the Library’s function is the main objective of the proposal.
Τhe conventional operation of a Library’s building for at least 27 centuries as a knowledge’s storing, maintaining and imparting place is reconsidered, enriched and redesigned and that affects the Library’s building type as well. This change attracts new users and the Library’s crowd keep on changing and multiplying. The new educational possibilities of knowledge and reading in combination with the new technological equipment contribute in easier search and recovery of the books that a user wants. This changes the library’s user consciousness and it’ s employees roles.
In the diploma thesis the addition of new art departments such as music and workshop buildings intend to transform the library from a static book listing place to a new platform that contains and spreads the global knowledge to the city and the people surrounding it. That serves the original challenge of the library as a dynamic center of knowledge entertainment and culture core.
Supervisor: Papadopoulos Lois
Reference Number: 530

The «ergoskopio» project is a platform of cooperation between the inhabitants of the city of Thessalonica. It is a pop-up space that lives periodically in the city as much as on the internet. On internet it becomes the room of planning an idea, and the kiosk is the space where it's application evolves.
The first component is the website - a map which records all the 'rooms' of ergoskopio and stores information of the nearby areas of the city, including commercial premises in operation and empty stores, and also marks social actions that take place in the public space.
The second component is the construction -a kiosk that constitutes the site for interaction of an idea with the neighborhood and the city. Each kiosk of ergoskopio, is part of the network of "rooms" with the same typology. The "rooms" are periodical spaces in the city which can be used by the residents for social, commercial and cultural purposes.
Altogether, Ergoskopio is a platform that functions as an incubator for hybrid events, namely, creates patterns 'online to offline'. So the map and the kiosk are organically tied structures since the one means the presence / absence of the other.
Supervisor: Paniyiris Costis
Reference Number: 501

In the high urban density of the city the existence on natural environment is limited. The big area of the terraces are perfect for getting developped. Thesis is based on the idea of turning the terraces into a basic component of citizens’ life. Exept for their improvement, a new model of life is suggested which by using all the unexploited spaces and combining the collectinity of the residents the self-management of the block will be achieved.
The proposal includes the farming of vegetables, trees and herbs. The terraces are combinded by a stair system. At the same time some spaces are constructed which are appropriate for day or night shelter, photovoltaic panelsand air turbins are used for exploiting the sun and wind energy. The uncovered area between the appartment buildings is upgraded and in the ground is constructed a tank which gothers the stormwater.
The proposal consists of two phases: the architectural project which concerns the intervention and the design and the other phase which is about a new lifestyle where people taking common desicions decide to be more active and throug organised techniques are able to cover the needs in infrastructures and education which are missing from the state. The older people and the inactive ones have motivation to go outdoors just a few meters above their homes and become active members of the society of the block,
Thesis includes also research for lighting and presents how this proposal is feasible with economic measures.
Supervisors: Tsangrassoulis Aris, Stylidis Iordanis
Reference Number: 508

This diploma project focuses on the relationship of local residents of “Epano Skala” in Mytilene on the region and ways to improve it. The aim is to overthrow the existing situation and the emergence of the historical region of “Epano Skala”. I recommend a general reformation of the region as the current situation is degraded greatly. My proposal emphases on the seafront and the view from there. Being the strong element, its reinforcement can change its character, making it more accessible to the residents themselves and showing them a new way of dealing with the public space.
Basing intervention is the paving and the pedestrianization of the study area, creating a beach free of the movement of the vehicles, suitable for walking and discussions by the sea. The configuration of the seafront changes, by creating an organic path with plantings and stop points, while placing a new operation of small libraries for the young people in the region and in the city generally.
Apart from the configuration of the seafront, another three intervations with buildings are treated in the area. A museum of navigation operates in an existing unused building, a space of entertainment and concerts and a parking. The museum houses in a building by the sea ideal for this function and has been already proposed by the municipality without positive responses. The space of entertainment and concerts is a great unused space area. This function is not needless for the city of Mytilene which in recent years is full of all types of events. The parking being the most difficult part of this project, is still highly needed even before the pedestrianization of streets in this area.
Supervisor: Stylidis Iordanis
Reference Number: 507

This diploma project deals with the area Choneftiko, near Kymi in Evia, as its waters' very specific features have made this area a destination of water treatment. The often referral of patients, from doctors requires the creation of a hosting infrastructure, which although, won't affect the area and its relation with the inhabitants. The proposal is to create a guest house, accomodating 20 people, in order to comfortably stay there throughout the year. This intervention includes the building that already exists in the study area since the first years of 70s decade and was operating as an entertainment center. The part of the guest house is placed opposite the existing building, and the wall which follows the path,hides it, in order not to be seen and not imposed on visitors who are many because of the water. The formation of the route remains, and the area of the tap is redesigned. The materials used, as some of them are already in use, they are all in line ith the colors of the area, while the choice of the green roof and the composition of most materials, manages to respond to the difficulty because of the significant amount of moisture.
Supervisor: Kanarelis Theoklis
Reference Number: 497

The methodology of the design of the proposal was based on architectural applications and social needs. The most basic are the carving on a canvas that allows standardization and flexibility, the continuous readjustment of the habitat according to the changes in ones living conditions after emergency situations, the polymorphism and flexibility in the configuration of the preconstruction, the extension of the habitat in a neighborhood scale and the facilitation of social contact by means of collective dwelling.
The housing complex is indicatively located in Spata area with direct access to Rafina port and Athens airport. The configuration of the surrounding area is based on the carving of the canvas of the housing complexes floor plan and consists of roads and parts of arable soil.
It is about a metal vector which consists of a parking space at ground level, three floors with building units, and a roof with units of collective cultivation. Each floor consists of motion aisles and two "plot" zones. At the four ends of each floor there are plots 4m x 8m in which public areas are situated (stairwell, services, markets and cafeterias), while in the remainder 10 plots 6m x 8m, houses are placed.
The target is to quickly and directly address the needs for housing through the process of mass customization.That solution would not involve a finite number of standard model homes, but an automated manufacturing process of individual parts/components that make up the house. The house, based on an isometric canvas per 1m and according to the dwellers needs, is assembled on location.
The houses are divided according to square meters, into one floor, two floor and one floor which occupy two plots and have an inner courtyard and at the same time according to their functional program, into "day use" (emphasis in places to be used during the day) into overnight houses (emphasis on places to be used during the night) and houses that the square meters are distributed equally.
Supervisor: Tzirtzilakis Yorgos
Reference Number: 515

The following degree thesis concerns to the design of new facilities for the Yacht Club of Kalamaki (NOK) at Alimos Marina.
Taking into consideration the importance maritimeand sports activities have for a country such as Greece, the history of the Yacht Club of Kalamaki as well as the fact that the existing facilities are not adequate enough, a new building is proposed, which will be able to cater for the needs of a modern yacht club.
The waterfront is a significant location not only for the residents but also for the visitors of the surrounding area. Therefore, it cannot only exist as a mooring location for yachts and vessels, but it should also signal an attraction, a vital place which will accommodate human activities.
The main concept of this proposal is the development of a building with a strong public nature. Apart from the sports club, it will also contain spaces for entertainment, relaxation, educational and culture.
Morphological, the building consists of two main volumes. The first one, occupies the larger part of the ground floor whereas the second one is a dynamic cantilever which is located relatively higher. Between these two volumes, a large, outdoor, public space is created. The aforementioned space is a ramp which offers the public the opportunity to walk, relax and stand while simultaneously they can view and observe either towards the marina or the open sea. On the west part of the building, at the volume which constitutes the cantilever, exists a second notable public space, directly connected with the ramp via a stairway. That space can be identified as an observatory and is oriented towards the direction yachts follow once they either enter or exit the marina.
The buildings uses includes areas for exhibitions, seminars and speeches, lecture halls, office spaces, storage facilities for the equipment of the nautical club, lockers, gym facilities, a static rowing centre for the athletes’ training sessions, a small shop, a restaurant as well as a parking space. The building premises can be used not only by the athletes but also by numerous social groups since it accommodates a programme with multiperspectival character.
The main intention was the design of a building which could constitute a landmark of Attica’s broader waterfront. A building which will redefine the public nature of the area and will highlight the Yacht Club as a 24/7 destination with its sports, recreation, culture and relaxation purposes.
Supervisor: Triantafillidis Giorgos
Reference Number: 487