Subject of the diploma project is the public staircase at the crossroads of Laxana and Skopelou streets, at Ano Kipseli of Athens. The staircase belongs to a net of public staircases at the region of Laxana hill and it has special characteristics, which diversifies it from the others. Its borders to a block of flats at the one side of the road and some of its landings are used as entrances to the flats. Due to this fact, part of the private life of the residents takes place at the public space of the staircase, and gives to it a theatrical character.The social context of the region, is another point of interest.
The method of approach was based on the collection of anthropological data through a personal interaction with the residents. It was also based on an in-situ inhabitation of the staircase and on a record of it’s life day by day, for the period of one week. The purpose was to comprehend and present the specific character of the staircase, as a motivation for the creation of architectural events.
The data collection led to the distinguish of the characteristics of each step through specific names and to the final creation of two different conceptual staircases, the staircase of ascent and the staircase of descent. The spatial representation of the names, was the motivation, for the plastic constraction, of the space of the staircase. The proposal includes 7 civil rooms (garaz, hall, bath, sitting room, kitchen, bedroom, washhouse ), which are ordered into the public space imitating the arrangement of the interior of a typical home. It adresses to the block of flats of the neighborhood, creating a microcosm of private practices in the public space and of public ones into the private space.
Supervisor: Kotionis Zissis
Reference Number: 21

The theme of the thesis project is an Administration and research center of the National Marine Park of Alonissos, Northern Sporades at Gerakas Bay. The purpose of the creation of the center is to support scientific activities related to the study of monachus-monachus seals, which become extinct, and, in general, the ecosystem within the Park. It will equipped with offices, laboratories, a conference room, a library. It will also be used as an exhibition and public information center. Inside it, there will be the MO+m pavilion. MO+m is the greek society for the study and protect of the monk seals. The pavilion, apart from exhibition spaces, will houses, close to the sea, a rescue center and freezers for preserving samples. Next to the main building, there will be additional installations such as an observatory and a marine.
Supervisor: Papadopoulos Spiros
Reference Number: 39

Internet consists of a place where information flows to several nodes. However, the confusion due to the overwhelming information, finally leads to the disorientation.
The urban unit of data diffusion filters the oversupply of information that comes from the city (e.g. by the departments of university which conduct a research and the technological centers) in order to transmit it back to the city, after the data processing. The diffusion of the information is the main role of the urban unit. Its function does not focus on replacing the existing places of information production but in the contrary it cooperates with them. As a result, it contributes to the data diffusion (meta-data) where the problem exists.
Therefore, there are suggested three ways of the data diffusion: a) inside the building, with well-equipped presentation halls, such as amphitheatre, exhibition halls, installations etc. b) with several events in the city, that are supported by the mobile units, the vans and the info-kiosks. The main concept is the transmission of the information beyond the borders of the building site c) by internet, where everyone is able to download information related to the data used by the
Moreover, the building is a node in a network consisted of similar models of other cities or countries.
Supervisor: Gavrilou Evelyn
File: 10DanilatouMarkisis_file.avi
Reference Number: 10

Twenty hosting units in combination with spaces appropriate for the reception of cultural and artistic expressions, are seated on the imposing landscape of a coastline in the east side of mountain Pelion. The architectural synthesis is called to satisfy the conditions for creation, setting the ground for a harmonic relationship between built and natural environment. The natural background infiltrates in the building exactly as the latter penetrates into the land, covering the need for contact with nature. Architecture surrounds, contains and is contained, offering a place of surveillance of the natural characteristics’ entirety of the particular landscape. An enrichment of stimuly in the unique urban experiences. Pole of attraction, a conjectual point of reference or an attempt for an architectural composition synchronized with the natural surrounding, inviting every visitor to depart a different person.
Supervisor: Triantafillidis Giorgos
Reference Number: 29

My diplomatic works have a natural continuity with the lecture that I presented few months before, where it was said “School for children with special needs’’. General rules and their application in the schools for optical needs.
The difference between in the lecture and my diplomatic work is that the lecture was more theoretical collection of general elements for the subject, while the work is a proposal for a specific concrete building. For that reason, a part from the general elements that I had gathered, I only used in my diplomatic work, specifically only those that could be applied in a building for craft education, where children that have special needs work together with other that they do not have.
Concretely, the building with which I dealt, using roughly 100 young persons or even bigger individuals, from which roughly the 1/3 of them have special needs. The special needs that this centre serves cover only a part of general scale of special needs. That is to say the centre works with individuals without serious body-kinetic , sentimental and optical needs. With few words, the building will be used by persons with special needs that can communicate enough satisfactorily or perfect with the other and that have satisfactory degree of movement and use of their hands and can move itself even with the use of special bodies, eg go-carts.
The reason for which I fixed thus the mission of this building is mainly that I wanted to make a educational building where individuals that have certain special needs work together, with individuals that they do not have. This is not my own arbitrariness, but springs from the opinion of experts * from 1960 and afterwards, that this educational way has many benefits, not only for the individuals with special *
Those that study the architecture of special needs consider as ‘’father’’ this architecture Timothy Nugent, an American student (ygeionologo) that worked a lot, in order to become legislated regulation in America (and in the world) for standards planning of buildings that would be accessible from persons with special needs. Timothy Nugent worked in the university of Jljnojs. His relation with the special needs was that his father was deaf and partial blind and his small brother was blind since she was 7 years old. After the establishment of these standards (in October 1961) the Nugent continued his fight making a lot of congresses, publications etc
needs but also in the usual individuals of team, but also generally in the society entire: Specifically:
• Prepares the individuals with ‘’light’’ special needs in order to cope with the conditions of real world and genuine life
• It helps the regular individuals to occupy that those that have special needs are also regular individuals
• Allow and encourage the persons with special needs to offer in the society the their faculties and their experience. (Many of these individuals are particular dowered).
• Helps the society to be exempted from foolish biases and medieval preventions, as eg certain centuries before certain societies considered that one invalid suffers from his infirmity because it is not good (this or his ancestors!!) and he is punished by the divine trial. The exemption of these preventions of such type society exeygenizetai and is promoted
• does not overload the states with the big cost that requires they make and maintain/ equip special schools, and other public buildings for special needs, when many of the persons who will use, are enough capable to use usual buildings with small modifications and small additional equipment. The special buildings are manufactured for persons that have so much serious special needs so that it is not possible fpr the usual persons to use, even if these have special (relatively small) adaptations.
Supervisor: Kotionis Zissis
Reference Number: 6

It is about a centre, in which is incorporated a number of systems that use the renewable sources of energy, as well as various energy technologies for reasons of demonstration, observation and evaluation of their performance, within the framework of European programs. Technical and scientific seminars, events, international meetings, are organised, with intent to the distribution of technology. The building is placed in the region of Zwgrafou in Athens, in the Campus, in a site in which energy experiments are realized already, in prefabricated constructions. Because of the uncomfortable conditions of work, is proposed the creation of a building, which includes the existing uses and others, that resulting from the needs of workers. Amphitheatre, meeting room, library, offices, laboratories, experiment room, exhibition, coffee and small houses for the researchers, are included overall in the building.
The building is developed at the length of the axis East – West, a basic axis of circulation, from both sides of which are assembled the uses above. His planning refers to an automatic mechanical system. It is the system that checks the comfort of the internal environment, the electromechanical installations and the energy consumption of the building, according to the information that receives with regard to the weather conditions. In order to operate the system, a unit of data reception (meteorological station), a processor (administrative part of the building) and a system to record the results (atrium), that help the application (experimental rooms) are required. The diffusion of data from a stage to the other, becomes via a course (axis), which is always the same.
With regard to the energy planning, double skin glass facade has been placed in the building in the southern facade, that functions efficiently so much during the summertime so winter, exterior venetian blinds of shading, and also the openings in the exterior walls and roof have been studied. The object is to achieve natural ventilation and daylight, with intent to the low energy consumption and simultaneously the comfortable indoor conditions to be offered in the users.
Supervisors: Papadopoulos Spiros, Tsangrassoulis Aris
Reference Number: 24