The aim of the lesson is to introduce the use of structure and concept analysis for the interpretation of the joint forms of picture and text, to focus on the analysis and use of fundamental software tools in order to create 2d or 4d (including time) optical outcomes, either printed or digital, to work on the essential design patterns and habits of writin
Throughout the course there is a series of essential context lectures aiming at highlighting the relationships between the text and the icon/picture elements as they are active within time periods.
As a major case study for the ongoing year there is a thorough examination of the active web page of the department in order to identify the core meaning and the purpose of the digital presentation and the possibility of changing or restructuring its fundamental reason.
1 / 14: The icon, The picture. 2 / 14: Writing, typing, Symbols. 3 / 14: Structure.
4 / 14: Conseptual Art. 5 / 14: Going Degital/Synthesis. 6 / 14: Brain, Perception.
7 / 14: The icon, Typography. 8 / 14: Narrations/Typologies of Expression.
9 / 14: Narrations/Digital Expression. 10 / 14: Join Strategies/2d Design.
11 / 14: Join Strategies/4d Web Design. 12-14 / 14: Workshop.
5 (five) one week projects and 1 (one) major webdesign project per semester.
1 (one) written text explaining the overall process of the major webdesign project.
AT THE END OF THE SEMESTER : Presentation of the Major web-design project.
JOHN BERGER, Ways of Seeing, Penguin, 1977.
ROBERT BRIGHURST, Elements of Typographic Style, Hartley & Marks, 1992.
JOHN BERGER, Ways of Seeing, Penguin, 1977.
EDWARD TUFTE, Envisioning Information, Graphics Press, 1990.
EDWARD TUFTE, Visual Explanations, Graphics Press, 1990.
ROBERT BRIGHURST, Elements of Typographic Style, Hartley & Marks, 1992.
DAVID CARSON, The End of Print, Lawrence King Publishers, 1991.
BORIS GYRULNIK, The dawn of Meaning, McGraw-Hill, 1993.
ROLAND BARTHES, Mythologies, Editions du Seuil, 1970.
GUNTHER KRESS & THEO VAN LEEUWEN, The Grammar of Visual Design, Routledge, 1996.