LECTURE: Kamilo Nollas. Vovousa Festival
Wednesday 15.05.2024 19:30
Department of Architecture
University of Thessaly
The event is organized in the framework of the course «Introduction to Architecture II».
Tutors: Giannisi Phoebe, Kosma Anthi, Kouzoupi Aspasia, Lykourioti Iris.
Kamilo Nollas was born in Paris in 1968. He studied the art of photography in Athens, Lyon and Liège. In 2007 his first solo show “Tobacco Factories” (curated by Thanassis Moutsopoulos), travelled in 9 Greek Cities and crossed the borders to Paris and Istanbul, while the catalogue (Tobacco Factories, Kastaniotis publ.) was among the “100 best books” for the year 2007 by PhotoEspaña. In 2009-2010, he received a Fulbright Foundation Scholarship and he experienced a creative period in New York City exploring different mediums of art. In June 2011, he presented his new body of work “Mobile in NY” (curated by Fred Ritchin)at the New Benaki Museum, in Athens. Works of his belong to public and private collections in Greece, Switzerland, England and Belgium.