Η διάλεξη θα πραγματοποιηθεί την Πέμπτη 30/4 στις 12:00 στο ΤΑΜ.
Fabiano Micocci is an architect working on the intertwined relationships existing between public spaces and landscape, architecture and geography, with a special focus on the Mediterranean region.
He is a founding member of NEAR architecture, a network of architects working on small and large scale design as well as theoretical research that in 2013 received the NIB Prize for the best landscape Italian practices.
He graduated from University Roma Tre in 2002 with the thesis "Study Center for the Regional Landscape Painting in the Lazio” that received the XV International Symposium of Urban Culture award at Camerino, Italy. His PhD degree, obtained from the University of Florence (2010) with the thesis “Mediterranean Topographies: Giovanni Michelucci, Fernando Tàvora and Dimitris Pikionis and the idea of the Mediterranean during 1945-1964”, was focused on the shift of architectural discourse about the Mediterranean after WWII.
He has participated in several international conferences and workshops and has taken part in various international architectural competitions, receiving several prizes.
In the 2013-214 he was Visiting Assistant Professor at the Lebanese American University of Beirut, teaching design studios and theory of architecture. Actually he is Associate at Urban Transcripts and part of the on-going "Inclusive urban strategy and action plan for for Bab-Al Tabbaneh, and Jabal Mohsen", a strategic development plan for the city of Tripoli (LEB) experiencing strategic planning, environmental sustainability, empowerment and participation in a post-conflict area. He currently works in Italy, Greece and Lebanon.