Challenging of conventional music composition and the efforts of abandonment of the hierarchical model of relations within it, from John Cage’s experiments, led to a degradation and a renegotiation of the roles defined in its production process. The composer launched, the executor is required to take initiatives and the listener is of crucial meaning in the composition . The linear process that leads to a passive receiver lapses and replaced with a dynamic and participatory interaction. A new form of relations is presented, without power relations and rules to restrict them, which manages to create new structures equally stable with the pre-existing ones. Philosophical , political, social variables are being analized, that contributed to shaping the thinking of Cage, such as randomness, silence and uncertainty, along with the monitoring of his own and other experimentalist’s works. Research in theoretical level is completed in practice in the form of a series of experiments - variations. These experiments seek a deeper understanding of the structures of the experimental works and implement the concepts of the creative-involved user and the reduced control of the composer to the outcome.