Magdalini Grigoriadou is a graduated architect (2007) of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece), with a Master's Degree (2008) in “Digital Communication and Multimedia in Architectural Project”, and holds a PhD (2014) from the Polytechnic University of Madrid. Her thesis research has focused on the concept of the imaginary, collective or personal, through the evolution of the notions of space, time and body. In her postdoctoral research, (2016-2017) “Sparágmata: incoherent fragments of vulnerable bodies in a multidimensional city”, in Mexico, the main objective has been to explore the experience of nostos/nostalgia and otherness within the contemporary conception of the fragmented body.
She is currently a Post-Doctoral Research Associate at the Laboratory of Environmental Communication and Environmental Documentation where she is developing the project DISEMBODY.
DISEMBODY project aims to combine aspects of contemporary architectural research into an experimentation on new processes of design; intents to associate digital architectural design with corporeal necessities-conditions, regarding them as psychosocial and psychosomatic patterns, either material, anatomical o biochemical, through lately neuroscience ́s progresses. The expendable meta-body is inscribed in the assimilation of the partiality, in the contexts of intimacy, proximity and perversity. The corporeal performativity of architecture and the personalized implements in the post-human conditions are examined in the new hybrid proximities between both digital-physical world and tectonics and non-tectonics communication on the architectural design.
2023 - 2024, Clima Fake. Diseño de identidades virtuales mediante el uso de IA
Position: Member of the Research Team
Funding Body: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
2020 - 2023, Escape through Culture: Development of an advanced, innovative, and state-of-the-art infrastructure for digital educational escape games, aimed at showcasing the cultural heritage of the country, in both Greek
Position: Member of the Research Team
Funding Body: Operational Program “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation (EPAnEK),” ESIF 2014-2020.
2020 - 2023, Colour & Travel: Design and Development of Innovative Travel Digital Applications with Entertainment and Gamification Features, Task Unit 1: “Methodological Approach - Functional Specifications - Content Design & Application Mechanisms.” Establishment of a Gamification Framework.
Position: Member of the Research Team
Funding Body: Operational Program “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation (EPAnEK),” ESIF 2014-202
2020 - 2022, HYBRID POSTBODIES: Embodied spatial experiences in Virtual Reality environments
Position: Principal Investigator, Postdoctoral Researcher
Funding Body: State Scholarship Foundation
2020 - 2022, Post-Public Space. Spatial practices base of informality
Position: Member of Research Team
Funding Body: Universidad de Las Américas, Ecuador
2018 - 2021, DISEMBODY: Augmented Corporeal Experiences in the hyper-tectonic environment of a digital platform
Position: Principal Investigator
Funding Body: Hellenic Foundation of Research and Innovation
2018 - 2021, Greel Landscapes in Videogames. Representation and Interaction
Position: Member of the Research Team
Funding Body: University of Thessaly
2017 - 2018, SAPIENS: Spatial Augmented Project for the Innovation of EnvironmentS
Position: Member of the Research Team
Funding Body: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
2016 - 2017, Sparágmata: fragmentos incoherentes de cuerpos vulnerables en la ciudad multidimensional
Position: Principal Investigator, Postdoctoral Researcher
Funding Body: Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores de México
2015 - 2015, The arc. New models of hospitality in the suburban arc of Thessaloniki
Position: Member of the Research Team
Funding Body: N.G.O. Dynamo
2012 - 2013, Augmented Home
Position: Member of the Research Team
Funding Body: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
2011 - 2012, Atlas de habitabilidad ciudadana
Position: Member of the Research Team
Funding Body: Universdad Politécnica de Madrid
2022, Internation UIA competition for the design of the surrounding area of the ancient theater A' in Larissa. Team: Boolean Union Creative Lab. Team members: Kyriakos Eleftheriadis, Dimitris Vaimaikis, Fenia Rizou, Themistoklis Lekkas, Grigoriadou Magdalini, Tania Tatsidou
2021, Competition for the study for the utilization and development of the former Ladoopoulos Paper Factory, E.G.L., Patras. Team members: Spiros Papadopoulos, Panagiota Yiouloumi, Grigoriadou Magdalini, Avrokomi Zavitshanou, Georgios Zafeiropoulos, Themistoklis Lekkas, Aikaterini Zoumake, Vasiliki Tzora.
2019, International Competition, Social Housing and Utilization of Urban Vacancies, Nephelokokkygia. Competition Europan15, Rotterdam_Kop Dakpark. Collaborators: Lida Maria Grigoriadou and Themistoklis Lekkas.
2017, Improvement and Renovation of Spaces for the KDA-P-MEA (Creative Employment Center - Special Education) “Kyklos” I.K.E., Thessaloniki. Architectural Study and Space Utilization Study. (Implemented)
2015, Proposal for the reuse of a building. Collaborators: Lida Maria Grigoriadou and Eleni Stavrakidou. Architectural Study.
2013, Competition, Mobile Bleachers and Intervention in Urban Space, Asambleódromo. Competition Arquitectura Emergente with distinction as a member of the TXP collective. Bilbao
2012, Competition, Mobile Structure for Gathering Spaces, A tool to make places. Competition Eme3 with distinction as a member of the TXP collective. Barcelona.
2011, Ground floor residence with basement and roof. Vasilika area, Municipality of Thermis, Thessaloniki. Architectural Study and Implementation Study. (Implemented)
2010, Theatre stage and workshops. Tetuán area, Madrid. Architectural Study. Unbuilt project
2010, Competition, Hospitality and Event Space. Competition. Málaga, Spain. Collaborator: Massimiliano Casu.
2010, Complex of four residences with basement, roof, and fencing. Outside the Plan, Melissochori area, Thessaloniki. As a collaborator of the architectural office F. Polatidou. Architectural Study and Implementation Study. (Implemented)
2009, Complex of three two-story residences with basement and roof. Peuka area, Municipality of Sykeon, Thessaloniki. Architectural Study and Implementation Study. (Implemented)
2009, Two-story building with ground-floor shops, residences, basement, and roof. Kardia area, Municipality of Thermis, Thessaloniki. Architectural Study and Implementation Study. (Implemented)
2008, Three-story single-family house with basement. Melissochori area, Thessaloniki. Architectural Study.
2008, Ground floor residence with roof and fencing. Outside the Plan, Galatista area, Municipality of Polygyros, Halkidiki. Architectural Study and Implementation Study. (Implemented)
2019, "Farewell," Sound installation, as part of the European Music Day (June 21, 2019), Thessaloniki Concert Hall (LECAD).
2013, “Increasis”, research project on the abandonment of construction sites due to the crisis, Madrid, May 2019 (Todo por la Praxis Collective)
2013, “Xtra Standar Public Space”, participatory construction project in collaboration with the Safi collective and Coloco for the recovery of urban landscape, Marseille, April 2013 (Todo por la Praxis Collective)
2013, “Gentrificatour”, research project on the phenomenon of gentrification in the city center, Madrid, March 2013 (Todo por la Praxis Collective)
2013, “Εl barrio es nuestro”, intervention in a suburban neighborhood in decline with sculptural letters, Madrid, February 2013 (Todo por la Praxis Collective)
2013, “Banco Guerrilla en Inéditos 2013”, at the Inéditos 2013 exhibition, La Casa Encendida, Madrid, May 2013 (Todo por la Praxis Collective)
2012, “Astra Gernika/Bat 2012”, participatory construction project with local communities at Fábrica Social para la Cultura, Gernika, November 2012 (Todo por la Praxis Collective)
2012, “Ciudade Electronika”, participatory construction project with local communities at the Festival Elektronika, Minas Gerais, Brazil, September 2012 (Todo por la Praxis Collective)
2012, “Αl zur-ich 2012”, participatory construction project with local communities in collaboration with Tranvia Zero, Ecuador, August 2012 (Todo por la Praxis Collective)
2012, “SAMS: Street Art Mobile Station”, participatory construction project as part of the Adhocracia exhibition, Bienal de Diseño de Estambul, Istanbul, July 2012 (Todo por la Praxis Collective)
2012, “Tools or Weapons to make places”, research project for the symposium “Performing Politics”, organized by “Institút fúr Raumexperimente, Berlin, June 2012 (Todo por la Praxis Collective)
2012, “Asambleódromo”, designs for original urban furniture, intervention in the urban landscape as part of the Eme-3 festival, Barcelona, June 2012 (Todo por la Praxis Collective)
2012, “Har etxea”, construction of a mobile grid in public space for hosting outdoor events in collaboration with the M-Etxea, Straddle3 collectives, País Vasco, May 2012 (Todo por la Praxis Collective)
2012, “UNA”, construction of a mobile booth for audiovisual equipment, DJ booth for covering outdoor events, Madrid, April 2012 (Todo por la Praxis Collective)
2012, “VUA, Vacíos urbanos autogestionados”, research project, guide for activating and appropriating urban voids with legal criteria, Madrid, April 2012 (Todo por la Praxis Collective)
2012, “Gradas o micro-plazas”, participatory construction project of bleachers for the self-managed free space Campo de la Cebada, Madrid, March 2012 (Todo por la Praxis Collective)
2012, “Sound System Guerrilla”, project funded by Matadero Madrid, Centro de Creación Contemporánea, in the “Ranchito” program, from 01/01 to 30/04/2012 (Todo por la Praxis Collective)
2012, “Devir Menor”, at the Sociedade Martins Semento exhibition, curators Inés Moreira and Susana Caló, Guimaráez 2012, European Capital of Culture, Spain, June 16 to August 19, 2012 (Todo por la Praxis Collective)
2011, “Wikitankers”, project for activating urban areas with participatory construction for the Festival “Construcción Colectiva en el Espacio Social”, in collaboration with the Straddle 3 collective, Acvic, November 2011 (Todo por la Praxis Collective)
2011, “CODI.7”, participatory construction project within Barri BDN Import/Export, organized by iDensitat, with the participation of the Straddle 3 collectives and la Escola d'Art i Superior de Disseny Pau Gargallo, Badalona, November 2011 (Todo por la Praxis Collective)
2011, “After la Otra”, project for the Feria de Arte La Otra, with the collectives Arquitectura expendida and Zuloark, Bogotá, October 2011 (Todo por la Praxis Collective)
2011, “CDA Campo de la Cebada”, construction project at Solar Vecinal en Campo de la Cebada in collaboration with iDensitat, FRAVM, Asociación de vecinos de Avecla and La Corrala, July 201 (Todo por la Praxis Collective)
2011, “Plaza Cañada 2.0”, construction project and integration of the neighborhood into the public urban space, in collaboration with ASF, Cañada Real, Madrid, July 2011 (Todo por la Praxis Collective)
2011, “Banco Guerrilla”, project funded by Matadero Madrid, Centro de Creación Contemporánea, in the “Ranchito” program, from 01/07 to 31/12 (Todo por la Praxis Collective)
2011, “Arte Útil”, exhibition curated by Tania Bruguera and the Democracia collective, at the espacio Off-Limits gallery, Madrid, October 2011 (Todo por la Praxis Collective)
2011, “Contrahegemonías”, exhibition at the “Espacio-Trapecio” gallery “Centro cultural de arte emergente del Mercado de San Antón”, with visual installation, curator Héctor Barrios, and Universidad Europea Madrid, Madrid, September 6-30, 2011 (Todo por la Praxis Collective)
2011, “Lo normal es muy raro”, at the exhibition at Matadero Madrid, Centro de Creación Contemporánea, Madrid, September 23 to December 23, 2011 (Todo por la Praxis Collective)
2011, “Post-it Cities”, exhibition at Palacio Cibeles, “CentroCentro” gallery, curator Martí Perán, sponsored by Centro de Cultura Contemporánea de Barcelona (CCCB) and Acción Cultural Española, Madrid, September 22, 2011 to February 19, 2012 (Todo por la Praxis Collective)
2023 - 2024,
Architecture Design Studio II
2021, Co-supervision of the research master's thesis by Ioanna Kalivioti titled “The flaneur's lenses. The practice of flânerie as a tool for experiencing posthuman identity and fluid space,” with Eduardo Roig Segovia, Master in Architectural Communication, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, January-June 2020.
2021, Workshop “Body narratives”, within the project “DISEMBODY: Augmented embodied experiences in the hyper-tectonic environment of a digital platform” in collaboration with the Environmental Communication and Audiovisual Documentation Laboratory of the Department of Architects, University of Thessaly, online, May 5-7, 2021.
2021 - 2022,
Posthuman environmental habitation: Hybrid matrices of co-operation between technology, nature and bodies
2021 - 2022,
Methodologies of Design: Genealogy of philosohpy and methodologiew of design of the 20th century. The topology of the body in the space
2020, Co-supervision of the research master's thesis by Elena Gallego de Velasco titled “The body as territory. Post-narrative devices of identity construction and resistance in continuous time – As long as the pandemic lasts,” with Atxu Amann Alcocer, Master in Architectural Communication, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, January-June 2020.
2020, Co-supervision of the research master's thesis by Juliette Cathy Mallen titled “Hostile City. Architectures of fear, a contrast between Latin America and Europe,” with Graziella Trovato, Master in Architectural Communication, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, May-September 2020.
2020, Co-supervision of the doctoral dissertation by Helena Gallego de Velasco titled “Post-Internet Body: Time and Territory. Analysis from post-narrative devices of identity construction and relationship with architectural practices,” with Atxu Amann Alcocer, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
2020 - 2021,
Dystopia Reloades_The new normality 2.0
2020 - 2021,
Special Theory and Critic Topics on Architecture and Art: Embodied narrative cartographies. The city and architecture through literature texts and cartographic representations.
2019 - 2020,
Uchronia Project XXI: High Tides
2019 - 2020,
Special Theory and Critic Topics on Architecture and Art: Embodied narrative cartographies. The city and architecture through literature texts and cartographic representations.
2018, Workshop “My augmented Sibyl”, with the Environmental Communication and Audiovisual Documentation Laboratory of the Department of Architects, University of Thessaly, as part of the Animart 2018 festival, Amfissa-Delphi, July 10-17, 2018.
2016, Workshop "Sound hacks in Cyberpark," together with Massimiliano Casu, at the "Training School, Enhancements: Mediated Urban Landscapes," part of the Cost Cyberparks research program, organized at the School of Architecture in Thessaloniki, March 29 - April 2, 2016.
Sparágmata: fragmentos identitarios y cuerpos multiplicados en la ciudad contemporánea, (2021) Editorial Nobuko, Spain, total pages128, ISBN9781643604695
El imaginario en la genesis del proyecto arquitectónico, Editorial Nobuko, Ισπανία, total pages 298, ISBN 9789874000538, September 2016
Grigoriadou Magdalini, Lekkas Themistoklis (2024), «Exploring the boundaries: hybrid narratives of immersive technologies in malleable symbolism». In Punctum, International Journal of Semiotics 10:1 The Semiotics of Animation. From Traditional Forms to Contemporary Innovations, (under publication)
Amann Alcocer, Atxu, Grigoriadou Magdalini y Medina Ana «♯MeToo Architecture. Tácticas críticas feminístas». Feminismo/s, 32 (diciembre 2018): 205-229. Dosier monográfico: MAS-MES: Mujeres, Arquitectura y Sostenibilidad Medioambiental, Economíca y Social, Editora Maria – Elia Gutiérrez Mozo, DOI: 10.14198/fem.2018.32.08
M.Grigoriadou, G. Loukakis, Th. Lekkas (2024), “Beyond Reality: Exploring Embodiment-Disembodiment in Mixed Reality Environments with Non-Euclidean Geometries, Innovative Navigation Modalities and Perceptual Dissociation in Video Games”. “EURAU MILAN 2024 – IN-PRESENCE / THE BODY AND THE SPACE. The role of corporeity in the era of virtualization”, Politecnico di Milano - (under publication)
M.Grigoriadou, G. Loukakis, Th. Lekkas (2024), “Creating in disruptive liberty: Embodied, spatiotemporal and uncanny stimuli in game engines as a pedagogical context of arcnitectural design”. “Digital Culture & Audiovisual Challenges. Interadisciplinary Creativity in Arts and Technology” - (under publication)
D.Batsis, M. Grigoriadou, K. El Raheb, A. Politis (2023), “Disembodiment in VR: Immersed in 3D Audio Experiences”, “ISEA2023: Symbiosis”. ISBN 978-2-905710-71-0, pp. 281-294
M.Grigoriadou, D. Batsis, G. Loukakis, Th. Lekkas (2023), “The recurring displeasures of the Virtual Reality Environments; a speculative approach” στο5o διεθνέςσυνέδριο“Digital Culture & Audiovisual Challenges. Interadisciplinary Creativity in Arts and Technology” (under publication)
M.Grigoriadou, G. Loukakis, Th. Lekkas (2022), “The spatial embodied perception of non-Euclidean geometries in videogames” in 4th International Conference “Digital Culture & Audiovisual Challenges. Interadisciplinary Creativity in Arts and Technology”, Ionian University (under publication)
M.Grigoriadou(2021), “Hybrid Postbodies: Corporeal spatial experiences in virtual reality environments” στοUlargui Agurruza, Jesús and Hernández, Carlos (2022). Edumeet. II International Conference on Transfers for Innovation and Pedagogical Change 2021. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, DPA prints y Ediciones Asimétricas. ISBN 978-84-09-39989-5, pp. 20-29
D.Batsis, M. Grigoriadou(2021), “Disrupted embodiments: bio-manifestations in sound art”, in “3rd International Conference Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges. Interdisciplinary Creativity in Arts and Technology”, Ionian University (under publication)
M.Grigoriadou, G. Loukakis, G. Kalaouzis (2021), “From interaction scenarios to body-movements schemes in virtual reality environments”, in “3rd Internation Conference Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges. Interdisciplinary Creativity in Arts and Technology”, Ionian University (under publication)
M.Grigoriadou, Ε. Mantzari (2020), “Physical body awareness and virtual embodiment. A hybrid experience of otherness”, “4th International Congress on Ambiances. Amblances, Inventions, Worlds”, Damien Masson, ISBN 9782952094870, Volume 1, pp. 192-197
M. Grigoriadou, E. Giannopoulou (2020), “Into the immensity of Otherness. The philosophy of between and the body of architectural uncertainty”, “Eurau Alicante – retroactive research. Architecture´s capacity to challenge and extend the limits of other disciplines”, ed. Javier Sánchez Merina, University of Alicante, ISBN: 9788-413-0208-22, pp. 24-3
M. Grigoriadou, E. Giannopoulou (2019), “The Body of Architectural Uncertainty” in “Public Space +”, Ianos Publications, ISBN: 978-618-5141-59-2, pp. 281-283
Μ. Grigoriadou (2019), “Devenir otro cuerpo: entre el pliegue y el siniestro” “IV Congreso Internacional Espacio sonoros y audiovisuales 2018”, Centro Superior de Investigación y Promoción de la Música, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid - (under publication)
Μ. Grigoriadou (2017), “The emerged Imaginary of embodied chronotopos in architectural design: complexities, overlaps and contradictions “, Transparency and Architecture Emerging Complexities, ed. Ziti, ISBN:978-618-83231, pp-. 237-246
Μ. Grigoriadou (2017), “Arquitecturas sin cuerpo“ digital edition of Memorias II Congreso Internacional Sobre Género y Espacio. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. pp.1347-1368.
Μ. Grigoriadou (2017), “Hyper-body realities. Bienvenidxs a la nueva era corporal “, digital edition of Actas/Proceedings Otras/Other. Ed. MaCa. pp.6-11.
Μ. Grigoriadou (2016), “Otherness and complexity in the embodied chronotopos in Architecture“. Proceeding of the 3rd International Congress on Ambiance, Ed. International Ambiances Network & University of Thessaly, ISBN 978-2-9520948-6-3.
A. Trachana, Atxu Amann y Alcocer, Μ. Grigoriadou (2013), “Augmented Home“. Jornadas Internacionales de Investigación en la Construcción Actas, Ed. Instituto Torroja, ISBN 978-84-7292-421-5, pp.157-164
A. Trachana, Μ. Grigoriadou, J. Flores Martínez (2013), “Interactive Atlas of habitability. Urban data management for the improvement of habitability and coexistence,“Hybrid City 2013: Subtle rEvolutions. pp.32-39.
A. Trachana, Atxu Amann y Alcocer, Javier Francisco Raposo Grau, Μ. Grigoriadou, J. Flores Martínez (2013), “Citizens Interactive Behavior in the performance of the urban spaces of cohabitation: Interactive Atlas of Urban Habitability“, III SPACES AND FLOWS, ISSN 2154-8684, pp.256-270
A. Trachana, Μ. Grigoriadou, J. Flores Martínez (2012), “Interactive Atlas of Habitability. Learning on Reconfiguration of places“, 12th International Conference on knowledge culture and change in organizations Proceedings, ISBN 978-80-214-4581-9, pp.151-153
A. Trachana, Μ. Grigoriadou, J. Flores Martínez (2012), “El atlas como método pedagógico de la innovación y la creatividad. Taller Experimental: Atlas de habitabilidad convivencial“, Actas III Congreso Europeo de Tecnologías de la información en la Educación y en la sociedad: Una visión crítica, ISBN 978-84-615-7734-7, pp.132-137.
Μ. Grigoriadou (2011), “Public and Digital Spaces, an interconnected and interactive world“, Proceedings Public space, ED. No publications, ISBN 978-96-0886-107-7, pp.305-311.
E. Giannopoulou, A. Kosmas, K. Psygiannakis, M. Grigoriadou, M. Champaoglou, and Ch. Efthimoudi (2010) “Towards a philosophy of making in the age of new graphic media,” in the volume Actas XIII Congreso Internacional de EGA, EGA-UPV Publications, ISBN 978-84-8448-708-1, pp. 25-28.
E. Giannopoulou, A. Kosmas, K. Psygiannakis, M. Grigoriadou, M. Champaoglou, and Ch. Efthimoudi (2009) “Philosophy as poiesis,” Proceedings of The importance of philosophy in architectural education, University Press Patras Publications, ISBN 978-960-7588, pp. 44-51.
Μ. Grigoriadou (2009) “Memorias de un Cyborg: La arquitectura de espectáculo en la cultura ciberpunk”, Open Course Ware of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, “Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica”, “Música y Arquitectura: Espacios y paisajes sonoros”, September 2009
2024, Beyond Reality: Exploring Embodiment-Disembodiment in Mixed Reality Environments with Non-Euclidean Geometries, Innovative Navigation Modalities and Perceptual Dissociation in Video Games. EURAU MILAN 2024 – IN-PRESENCE / THE BODY AND THE SPACE. The role of corporeity in the era of virtualization Politecnico di Milano, Italy. [M. Grigoriadou, G. Loukakis, Th. Lekkas]
2024, Creating in disruptive liberty: Embodied, spatiotemporal and uncanny stimuli in game engines as a pedagogical context of arcnitectural design. “Digital Culture & Audiovisual Challenges. Interadisciplinary Creativity in Arts and Technology”, Ionian University, Corfu. [M. Grigoriadou, G. Loukakis, Th. Lekkas]
2024, Embodied Vibrations: Exploring Interactive Audio Systems in the Alienating Realm. 5th International Congress on Ambiances. Lusófona University, Lisbon – Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro. [D. Batsis, M. Grigoriadou]
2023, Disembodiment in VR: Immersed in 3D Audio Experiences, International Congress “ISEA2023: Symbiosis”, Paris [D. Batsis, M. Grigoriadou, K. El Raheb, A. Politis]
2023, Strategies for gamification and evaluation in the project Colour & Travel. Online Seminar Presenting Results “Project T2EDK-01042 Colour & Travel: Design and Development of Innovative Travel Applications with Recreational and Game-Like Features,” May 25 [M. Grigoriadou, G. Loukakis]
2023, The recurring displeasures of the Virtual Reality Environments; a speculative approach. 5th International Congress “Digital Culture & Audiovisual Challenges. Interadisciplinary Creativity in Arts and Technology”, Ionian University, Corfu. [M. Grigoriadou, D. Batsis, G. Loukakis, Th. Lekkas]
2022, The spatial embodied perception of non-Euclidean geometries in videogames. 4th International Congress “Digital Culture & Audiovisual Challenges. Interadisciplinary Creativity in Arts and Technology”, Ionian University, Corfu. [M. Grigoriadou, G. Loukakis, Th. Lekkas]
2022, Multistable perception in non-Euclidean videogames. International Congress “Game Philosophy organization – Perception in Games and Virtual Worlds”, Athens [M. Grigoriadou, G. Loukakis]
2021, Disembody: Structure and organization of the project, in the seminar “And yet it moves… Augmented narratives,” University of Thessaly, Volos
2021, Disrupted embodiments: bio-manifestations in sound art, στο συνέδριο “3rd Internation Conference Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges. Interdisciplinary Creativity in Arts and Technology”, Ionian University, Corfu. [D. Batsis, M. Grigoriadou]
2021, From interaction scenarios to body-movements schemes in virtual reality environments, στο συνέδριο “3rd Internation Conference Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges. Interdisciplinary Creativity in Arts and Technology”, Ionian University, Corfu. [M. Grigoriadou, G. Loukakis, G. Kalaouzis]
2021, Hybrid Postbodies: Corporeal spatial experiences in virtual reality environments, international online conference “SloMoCoPractice Works: Transduction: Movement and Computing Energetics”
2021, Hybrid Postbodies: Corporeal spatial experiences in virtual reality environments. στο διεθνές συνέδριο “ΕduMeet. 2nd International Conference on Transfers for Innovation and Pedagogial Change”, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá.
2020, Disembody 1.2. Embodying expendable bodies in virtual reality environments,“5º Congreso Internacional Espacio Sonoros y Audiovisuales – Filosofía, Creación, Tecnología”, Madrid [M.Grigoriadou, E. Mantzari]
2020, Physical body awareness and virtual embodiment. A hybrid experience of othernes, “4th International Congress on Ambiances. Amblances, Inventions, Worlds”, Santa Barbara [M. Grigoriadou, Ε. Mantzari]
2020, Despedida: paisaje sonoro interactivo, “5º Congreso Internacional Espacio Sonoros y Audiovisuales – Filosofía, Creación, Tecnología”, Madrid [Sp. Papadopoulos, M. Grigoriadou, N. Vamvakas]
2019, Disembody 1.1. Detachment of bodies and embodied experiences in virtual space, at the two-day seminar “And yet it moves...Disposable Bodies,” University of Thessaly, Volos [M. Grigoriadou, E. Mantzari]
2019, Farewell an interactive soundscape, “4th Annual Conference of the International Place Brading Association”, University of Thessaly, Volos [Sp. Papadopoulos, V. Bourdakis, G. Papakonstantinou, M. Grigoriadou, G. Loukakis, G. Kalaouzis, N. Vamvakas, M. Loukou, Th. Lekkas, V. Nikolaidou, Iph. Charatsi]
2019, The Body of Architectural Uncertainty, at the international congress “Public Space +,” Thessaloniki [M. Grigoriadou, E. Giannopoulou]
2018, Into the immensity of otherness. Internation Congress “EURAU18 9th Congress Retroactive Research”, Alicante, Spain [M. Grigoriadou, E. Giannopoulou]
2018, Devenir otro cuerpo: entre el pliegue y el siniestro. “IV Congreso Internacional Espacio sonoros y audiovisuales 2018”, Centro Superior de Investigación y Promoción de la Música, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid.
2017, Architecturas sin cuerpo, “II Congreso Internacional Sobre Género y Espacio y Tercer Seminario Latino-Americano de Geografía, Género y Sexualidad,” Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana και το Universidad Nacional de México, México.
2017, Hyper-body realities. Bienvenidxs a la nueva era corporal. “I Congreso International de Comunicación Arquitectónica (CoCa)”, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid
2016, The emerged imaginary of embodied chronotopos in architectural design: complexities, overlaps and contradictions. “4th International Conference in Transparency and Architecture – Emerging Complexities (ICTA 2016 ”, Aristotle´s University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki.
2016, “Otherness and complexity in the embodied chronotopos of Architecture. “Ambiances 2016. Atmospheres Tomorrow”, University of Thessaly, Volos
2013, Augmented home, at the conference “International Symposium on Construction Research” by the Instituto Torroja, Madrid [A. Trachana, Atxu Amann y Alcocer, Μ. Grigoriadou]
2013, Interactive Atlas of habitability. Urban data management for the improvement of habitability and coexistence, at the conference “Hybrid City II: Subtle rEvolutions”, Madrid [A. Trachana, Atxu Amann y Alcocer, Javier Francisco Raposo Grau, Μ. Grigoriadou, J. Flores Martínez]
2013, “Architecture and symbols. Buildings of power and biopolitics”, seminar of the master's program in philology titled “City and Power“, Universidad Complutense, Madrid [Atxu Amann y Alcocer, Μ. Grigoriadou]
2012, Citizens Interactive Behavior in the Performance of the Urban Space of Cohabitation: Interactive Atlas of Urban Habitability, at the conference “III Spaces and Flows, Conference 2012”, Detroit [A. Trachana, Atxu Amann y Alcocer, Javier Francisco Raposo Grau, Μ. Grigoriadou, J. Flores Martínez]
2012, Learning on Reconfiguration of places, at the “12th International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and Change in Organisations”, Chicago [A. Trachana, Μ. Grigoriadou, J. Flores Martínez]
2012, “Myths of the global community”, at the seminar of the master's program in philology titled “Contemporary Mythologies”; Universidad Complutense, Madrid, [Atxu Amann y Alcocer, Μ. Grigoriadou]
2012, “The atlas as a pioneering pedagogical method and creativity. Experimental workshop ‘Atlas of cohabitable living’”, at the TIES 2012 conference, “III European Congress on Information Technologies in Education and Society: A critical view”, Barcelona [Atxu Amann y Alcocer, Μ. Grigoriadou, A. Trachana, J. Flores Martínez]
2012, “Tools to make places” at the symposium “Performing Politics”, organized by Eric Ellingsen and Alvaro Urbano, at Tempeh of Airfield, for the “Institute fur Raumexperimente”, Berlin, [as member of Todo por la Praxis]
2011, Public digital spaces, a connected interactive world, at the conference “Public space... sought“, Thessaloniki.
2010, For an architecture of action in the age of new graphic media, at the 13th International Conference EGA, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain [E. Giannopoulou, A. Kosmas, Μ. Grigoriadou, K. Psygiannakis, M. Champaoglou, and Ch. Efthimoudi]
2009, Philosophy as poiesis, at the conference “The importance of Philosophy in Architectural Education”, University of Patras [E. Giannopoulou, A. Kosmas, K. Psygiannakis, Μ. Grigoriadou, M. Champaoglou, and Ch. Efthimoudi]
2021, “Co-metabolism” within the course “Architectural Design and New Technologies II”, Visual, Electronic and Audiovisual Applications Laboratory, invited by Professor Polyxeni Mantzou, Department of Architecture, Democritus University of Thrace, March 16, 2021
2021, “Disembody: A small genealogy of bodies and spaces” in the master's program “Fine Arts” in the thematic unit Art and Public Space, invited by Professor Xenofon Mpitiskas, Department of Fine Arts and Art Sciences, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Ioannina, February 16, 2021
2020, “Embodied interaction experiences: from physical to augmented and virtual space” in the master's program “Fine Arts” in the thematic unit Art and Public Space, invited by Professor Xenofon Mpitiskas, Department of Fine Arts and Art Sciences, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Ioannina, February 21
2019, “Arquitectura como Escisión” in the master's program “Master in Architectural Communication MAca” in the course Arquitectura Como, invited by Professor Atxu Amann Alcocer, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura, April 22
2019, “Sparágmata: incomprehensible fragments of the body-I in the body-flesh”, in the master's program “Master in Advanced Architectural Projects MPAA10” in the course #práctica-crítica, invited by Professor Carmen Espegel, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura, January 23
2018, “Architecture in bodies, spaces, and times” in the master's program “Master in Architectural Communication MAca” in the course Digital Project, invited by Professor Eduardo Roig Segovia, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura, March 23
2017, “The myth of utopia in architecture” at Training School “Art-Fect II” as a scientific researcher, invited by Professor Miti Aiello in the section “The myth of the city”, University of Valle de México, July 26
2016, Curator of an architecture exhibition featuring diploma theses from recent years of Greek universities on architectural utopia and the transformation of the city of Athens titled “Metaphysical Chronotopes” at the Metamatic-Taf gallery, Normanu 5, Athens, from June 30 to August 16, 2016.
2023, Expert evaluator of research proposals at the European Innovation and Technology Institute EIT – European Institute of Innovation and Technology, European Union, Actions “Culture & Creativity”, April - September 2023.
2023, Committee for the evaluation of the doctoral thesis titled “Éxtasis. Dominio y destrucción en la génesis de mundos extraterrestres,” by David Jiménez Moreno, Member of the five-member Committee, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, September 15, 2023 (replaced by another member)
2022, Committee for the evaluation of the doctoral thesis titled “On Ethivs In Emerging Media Arts and Architecture: The counterbias as a strategy for Reversing Issues of Privacy and Surveillance in the Age of Ubiquitous Computing,” by Ana Elizabeth Herruzo Pierce, Member of the five-member Committee, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, September 30, 2022
2022, Committee for the evaluation of the doctoral thesis titled “Partenón Estallado: Atlas de una máquina simbólica,” by Miguel Guzmán Pastor, Member of the five-member Committee, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, March 30, 2022
2022, Committee for the evaluation of the doctoral thesis titled “Domestic Boundaries. Home and city transformations related to emergent lifestyles,” by Flavio Martella, Alternate member of the seven-member Committee, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, November 25, 2022
2021, Committee for the evaluation of the doctoral thesis titled “Violencia, Memoria y Arquitectura. Memoriales y museos de las tragedias del último siglo,” by Ioana – Georgiana Şerbănoiu, Alternate member of the seven-member Committee, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, August 31, 2021
2020, Committee for the evaluation of the doctoral thesis titled “Layerscapes. Imperativo Cartográfico en la ciudad Hipermediada,” by Alejandro García García, Member of the five-member Committee, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, December 17, 2020
2020, Committee for the evaluation of the doctoral thesis titled “Playspace Gamespace. Entre el espacio material de la arquitectura y el espacio virtual de los videojuegos,” by Aida Navarro Redón, Alternate member of the seven-member Committee, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, December 18, 2020
2020, Committee for the evaluation of the master's thesis titled “Eating Alone Together,” by Vasilios Kalampogias-Polychronis, Master in Architectural Communication, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
2020, Committee for the evaluation of the master's thesis titled “Gypsy girls dance – una investigación sin título pretencioso,” by Nacho Toribio, Master in Architectural Communication, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
2019, Committee for the evaluation of the doctoral thesis titled “El conflicto Temporal del Espacio Arquitectónico en la Era del Tiempo Global: Cronópolis,” by Rodrigo Delso Gutiérrez, Alternate member of the seven-member Committee, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, December 16, 2019
2019, External Reviewer Report of the doctoral thesis titled “El conflicto temporal del espacio arquitectónico en la era del tiempo global: Cronópolis,” by Rodrigo Delso Gutiérrez, Polytechnic University of Madrid, September 9, 2019
2019, External Reviewer Report of the doctoral thesis titled “El dispositivo fontera. La construcción espacial desde la norma y el cuerpo migrante,” by Antonio Giráldez López, Polytechnic University of Madrid, September 21, 2019
2018, Committee for the evaluation of the master's thesis titled “Other Cartographies: Mapping female cartographers' experiences,” by Kiara Firpi, Master in Architectural Communication, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
2018, Committee for the evaluation of the master's thesis titled “Aunque mate aunque pegue Centro Histórico es. Prototypes for feminist appropriation in the city of Quito,” by Maria Jose Vela Villacís, Master in Architectural Communication, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
2021, External referee in peer-review in international conference “Sola_s. Primer Congreso International feminista de arquitectura y cuidados”, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid και Instituto de la Mujer, October 2021
2021, External referee in peer-review of the international conference “ΕduMeet. 2nd International Conference on Transfers for Innovation and Pedagogial Change”, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid και Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá, November 2021
2020, External evalutator of article proposal “Adddocs - Logos”, PhD Program ADD in Architecture and Design, University of Genoa, April 2020
2020, External referee in peer-review in international conference “ΕduMeet. 1st International Conference on Transfers for Innovation and Pedagogial Change”, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid και Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá, December 2020
2016, External referee in peer-review evaluator at “Journal of Critical Scholarship on Higher Education and Student Affairs (JCS on HESA)”, University of Chicago Loyola, September 2016- September 2018
2014, External referee in peer-review evaluation at “Journal of Critical Scholarship on Higher Education and Student Affairs (JCS on HESA)”, University of Chicago Loyola, September 2014-September 2016
2019, Distinction for the experimental research “Farewell: an interactive sound work” in the competition Enclosures / Crossings of the Thessaloniki Concert Hall, with the EscapeLab team from the Environmental Communication and Audiovisual Documentation Laboratory of the Department of Architects, University of Thessaly, June 2019.
2017, Seal of Excellence award for the proposal titled “Augmented corporeal experiences in a digital environment” in the European Marie Curie Action H2020-MSCA-IF-2017, with a total evaluation score of 86.60/100 in the Reintegration assessment category, in the Scientific Research Area “Engineering” – “Architecture, Smart buildings, Smart cities, urban engineering,” submission September 2017.
2012, Distinction in the Eme3 Competition with the mobile construction of gathering space A tool to make places, as a member of the TXP collective, Barcelona.