The point on which the research theme focuses, deals with the Sustainable Design circumstances, developed in specific mountaineering Settlements of Rhodes. Both the morphology of natural background, on which they have been erected, and the social circumstances predominated inside the settlements’ borderline, imposed the Settlements’ evolution, according to specific manner and towards specific design ordinates. There is a charm throughout the research, spotted on the fact that those parameters do not always come out by a deliberate reasoning, but by different needs, of surviving, self- determination and daily living. The treatment of those needs, being imperative from time to time, has contributed to maintenance of the Architectural identity of the Settlements, until nowadays.
The Settlements that being researched are spotted on the south of Rhodes, are “Lindos”, “Asklipion” and “Mesanagros”. Before this, there is an analysis of both the historical route of the bioclimatic adaptation generally in design, and of the characteristic style- structure elements that represent it in a classic manner.
The Settlements which are distinctively presented, are being compared each other and some interventions are proposed, aiming to a further improvement of their sustainable design behavior, wherever this is necessary.
“Lindos”, on the south- eastern part of the island, presents two distinctive settlement’s sections, evaluated as ideal, each one of them, during specific season, under an intensive natural uplifting, a hill. The northern section has a loose structure, ideal for the summer months, while the south- western one has a more coherent structure , for the winter months.
“Asklipion”, on the south and more centered, is also resided on a development nearby a hill, shows coherency that are of the same degree with the south western part of “Lindos”. Materials and colors are being used with consistency in either the tenements, or the public places, formulating the bioclimatic reality of the Settlements.
“Mesanagros”, being in western part, shows a more typical residence model as a whole, comparing to the other Settlements, projects material coherence and consistency in neighborhood terms, pretty much the same of the “Asklipion” and of the south part of “Lindos”.