This study started at the end of 2004 and its full title is: «Industrial buildings in Greece- Art and Cultural Centers».
It is about the search and study of the restored and re-used industrial buildings in Greece as art or cultural centers.
First of all the most important characteristics of the re-used (as museums or cultural centers) industrial buildings around the country were selected, in order to successfully begin the study. This way, the base study of the buildings – συγκροτημάτων was created, in order to analyze and present them.
From the total 38 restored industrial buildings found around Greece, 27 are fully presented (all the characteristics are collected) in identification cards. The rest of the buildings of this category are just presented by name, on a map of Greece.
Specifically, the study consists of five chapters.
Chapter I: The development of industry in Greece – The advance of industrial architecture.
A historical review on the development of the architecture in Greece from the start until now is presented in chapter I. Furthermore, the industrial building’s general characteristics are presented, also the factors that contributed to their architectural and creational structure.
Chapter IΙ: Art and Cultural Centers - Museums.
The special characteristics of Museums and Cultural spaces are presented in this chapter. The function principles, the special needs, in relation to the high demands of the building plan and finally the abilities of fitting and properly functioning in already existing industrial shells.
Chapter ΙΙΙ: The Law – The international principles of the protection of industrial heritage.
This chapter is about the presentation of the law about the protection, restoration and re-use of the industrial buildings. The basic Charters, such as the “Charter of Venice”, the “Charter of Moscow” etc. and the international organizations (such as TICCIH) that supported the efforts of saving and re-using the industrial heritage. Furthermore, organizations that are making efforts about the protection of the industrial heritage are presented.
Chapter ΙV: Industrial buildings – Cultural spaces in Greece.
Here are the identification cards of the 29 restored industrial buildings presented. οι In particular, this chapter is about 29 buildings that are built in 11 Greek cities ( Athens, Laurion, Volos, Veria, Edessa, Sparti, Siros, Larissa, Dimitsana, Chania, Thessaloniki) and in Lesvos island, that are many industrial buildings in different villages. Three of them are presented in this project. The villages are Mantamados, Ag. Paraskevi and Plomari. All these cities and villages are spotted on a map of Greece. The identification card of every restored industrial building consists of its historical elements, photos, plans (before and after the restoration and re-use) and a small commendation of the tendencies.
Chapter V: Is the re-use and the change of the industrial shells into Cultural spaces successful?
In the last chapter, the re-use of these buildings is commented as a subject. There is also a question about the success of the new uses into the old industrial shell. The basic characteristics of the industrial buildings are compared to the demands of the cultural centers and there is a question of whether they match.