The following thesis is about revaluating and re-designing the building remains of the alcohol factory in the area “Ag. Anargyroi” in Volos, also known as “Oinopnevma”, as well as about the creation of a new distillation unit on the same ground. It is suggesting a variety of new uses of the site, aiming to promote a local traditional product.
Thus, the core of the new proposal is the construction of a tsipouro distillery, while venues for accommodation, remembrance, education and recreation will be co-housed with the existing facilities.
An urban vineyard and an amphitheater, the last also being the entrance of the new building, will be located across the surrounding area and the rest of the site.
This proposal aims to highlight the architecture of the pre-existing buildings as well as the chimney, which constitutes the landmark of the particular site as well as of the entire area.
This area as a whole will be addressed to a wide audience. To producers who want to be informed about the production of distillates, to students and schools that want to learn about the process of producing tsipouro as well as about the history of the site, but also to ordinary visitors who want to get familiar with and participate in the production process.
In the same time it would be the first ever museum of tsipouro in Volos, something we consider as necessary, due to the connection of the city with the specific distillate. Furthermore, many more different events can be carried out on the site and most importantly anyone will be able to enjoy the product in its production area.
The challenge lies in the fact that the new interventions are called to converse with a place of memory, of distinct historical and symbolic value, as a monument of modern history and the country’s cultural heritage. Re-designing the site converts it into a dynamic tourist destination, intending to offer various activities to the visitors.