This research project begins with the sport activity that man has developed at various stages of his evolution and the influences applied by technological development. Sport is broken down and investigated in its constituents: human body, space and sport procedures. According to the paper’s hypothesis, the way sports space is expressed, is directly related to the aesthetic, scientific and social prototypes of each period in time. Sport endorses (incorporates) these views and ideologies by reinterpreting the structure of the physical and architectural prototypes. Through review and observation of events, we try to discover analogies and interrelations that will make it possible for sports to adapt to future situations. In particular this research consists of two thematic parts:
In the first part we consider the spatial character of sports, looking at the way each sport creates spaces and how new spaces develop in the course of the game. We then analyze and inter relate the various approaches to sport through time and their respective spaces. Each sport reality is viewed in its architectural and social context.
In the second part the understanding of current and future sport is attempted. The notion of technology is introduced, which offers new ways of conducting sport, develops equipment and changes radically the way sport is experienced, performed and documented. Body, space and sport are reexamined in the light of technology. New potentials are noted while the contradictory current views regarding the gradual artificialisation of body and space that set new grounds for the cyborg athlete and the digital space are considered.
Thus the aim of this research is to place today’s sport in the context of contemporary thought with regard to progress and technology in the perfection of the human body, sports environment and sports experience in general