The subject of this research is, the study of appropriation in the field of architecture. Central part in the study is the term originality, which we often regard as opposed to appropriation. Approrpiation in architecture is associated with the terms copying, imitation even "theft", and in this way acquires a negative connotation. On the contrary, originality is linked to authenticity, uniqueness and innovation, and thus acquires a purely positive interpretation. In these terms, although seemingly contradictory, we can identify similarities, contradictions to the absoluteness (often attached to them), and we can perhaps prove their identification.
During the research a range of definitions, forms, sources of application and causes of appropriation were found, both in the field of architecture and in the fields it is contained. The breadth of this spectrum has led to the decision to structure the research in almost independentarticles with 3 main themes. The focus of the first, is the individual, not the one who is appropriated, but this who is a source of influence and the relationship, they develop with their followers. In the second, we analyze the 'object', which results from a process of appropriation, but also the rights of the original object (that we could call original). In the last part of the research work, an attempt is made to identify the ways and forms that architects are appropriated at different times. At the same time, potential reasons for appropriation are analyzed, both at the level of the individual and society. In the last chapter, the term data, which is constantly presented in the study, is being studied and may be a link of the previous chapters. The aim of the research is to find (if possible) whether the architectural practice is based on the appropriation of originality and / or the originality of appropriation.