The issue relates to the digital age and examines new technological possibilities now available to humans. Is a throwback to the field of design and construction with key stations and facts about the history of the digital design and construction in the field of architecture.
Digital mediahave contributed to the evolution and the development of new manufacturing techniques as well as the in the automation. An important contribution of robotic is the automation of construction, which has begun to makes its first steps in architecture with a considerable number of applications. The selected examples relates mainly large scale construction made up from comuter Controled machines androbotics machinery., that either act ashinged connections of construction or as a full-scale building components.
Then, it refers to the mass production (mass production) and the Fordist model of the 20th century. as well as to projects and concepts of architects of that time, in response of the ability of these new methods of construction to produce massively with the same cost and the same time expense.
The technology is now allowing to do use of mass-produced machines but at the same time itcombinestheflexible and adapted to user production. Specifically, we begin to acquire items most suited to ourneeds and demands with the costand time is that needed for the mass production,. This is why we are in the period of mass customazation. Already many companies have adopted mass customization and the consumer is now able to take part inthe production stage. As regards the architecture idea of mass customization in manufacturing has begun in recent years to be seriously taken into consideration and combined with new digital production methods is promising.