What is slowness? Is it low speed? Or is it the opposite of speed? Is it lateness, laziness, sluggishness, imperceptiveness?
Or is it the “rate of pleasure”, a way to get closer to Epicurean hedonism?
Is it the vehicle of memory?
Is it the angel that will save us from the “demon of speed”?
Is it synonymous with the Slow movements (slow food, slow cities, slow architecture)?
Should it always be defined in reference and opposition to speed?
So we can say “low” or “high” or “great” speed, we can ask “how much” speed and we can insert it into our physics' equations, we can even reverse the equation and get the same results.
But we can not say “low” or “high” or “slow” slowness.
We cannot ask “how much” slowness and we cannot insert it into our calculations.
Dos slowness, therefore, have intensive properties?
Is it really a state something is in?
Does it produce qualitative changes?
Could we say that a moving or still body “has” slowness, in a away that Henry Bergson would say that it “endures”?
Could then there be an “implement”, the use of an existing thing or the introduction of a new thing, that could “exorcize” the “ghost” of speed from philosophical and scientific discourse, the way that Bergson implemented his “durée” to “exorcize” the ghost of space when trying to define time?