In this research paper we attempt to categorize regenerations in the biggest cities of Europe and Usa in order to develop a comprehensive presentation of successful interventions, or even the lessons of the failed ones, and then we refer to the efforts made from time to time for such reconstructions in our country. These reconstructions refer to sections of urban or interurban tissue that are abandoned and no longer bear other use. More generally, the transformation of the metropolis include various urban regeneration and integration of new uses mainly cultural and subordinate uses in abandoned areas. The interest in this area stems from the fact that the recovery of abandoned areas (inactive industrial sites, mines, power stations, etc.) is one of the elements of modern urbanization, which in our country is not seriously considered. We hope that this research paper , despite the short range of it, will become the springboard for developing new ideas for the reuse of such sites in Greece.
The aim of this literature work, is not the export of a conclusion that would weigh the advantages and disadvantages of methods, but exploring new horizons in regeneration issues. How likely it is for an existing use to turn into something so different without looking foreign and irreconcilable?
The main methodology development is based on the following steps:
1. Theoretical approach of regenerations in urban spaces
2. Examples divided into categories based on the initial use of the sites
3. Examples-recovery efforts in Greece
4. Conclusions