Arch.Uth Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Arch.Uth Ελληνικά
Lecture by Penny Koutrolikou: Urban social movements and transformations of urban citizenship

Penny Koutrolikou

From “Emerging social movements in cities in South Europe” to “Transformations of urban citizenship in times of crisis” and questions of solidarity and socio-spatial justice.

Tuesday November 29th 2016, 15:00, Room B

Lecture within the framework of the course South: Space and non hegemonic paradigms of knowledge
Tutor: Iris Lykourioti

Penny Koutrolikou is a Senior lecturer at the School of Architecture, NTUA. She is an architect/planner, with a MA in Sociology (Goldsmiths College, UK) and a PhD in Planning Studies (UCL, UK). Her PhD research focused on ‘Ethnocultural relations in East London’s ‘multiculturalism’. More recently she has been working on processes of stigmatization and racism in inner city Athens, on discourse analysis of politics, media and policies, on questions of hegemony, crisis and governance and on socio-spatial justice.