Daily we are connected to the internet by developing our sociability. When we are walking from one place to another we are listening to music through our mp3 player. We are waiting for our destination in the Metro wagon while reading the news through our mobile phones. Mobile technologies have invaded our daily lives and turn it into an endless ping-pong game between digital and physical space.
Our connection in global communication network allows us to connect to our multiple selves that have lost the simple boundary of our body, and have been expanded to the size of a planet. This growth changes the way we perceive space as the boundaries between the artificial and the natural world are mixed up. Mobile technology is the intermediate layer that causes this extension. Books and Walk-mans operate as apparatuses filtering the messages that we receive from the city and mobile phones operate as capacitors of our extensions. These technologies have changed the condition of public space. Although there are many who consider these apparatuses as escape routes and disconnection devises from the physical public space, they can be seen as contact points with it. People create a new relationship with the city, a new way of understanding it and acting in it.