This thesis project was inspired by my case study about the balconies of Athens and the fact that they consist a key component on the configuration of the character of the city. Trying to answer personal questions about the mmultidimensional contemn porary identity of the Attic landscape leads to a research that ends up in the fact that the double balcony-hill, consists one of the basic elements that composes the Attic landscape. At the same time, a series of simultaneous events in Greece, have a strong influence on the way that this thesis project continues. The presentation of the idea for the new skyscrapers on the coastal area of Attica, in Ellinikon and the discussion about whether they are related to the identity of Athens is one of them. A few months later, the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic brought teleworking to the forefront and emptied office buildings for a long time. The use of a building as a working space is often attributed to tall buildings. After a research on the tall buildings of Athens, the buildings-hills as we define them in this project, we are led to the realization that they follow a specific pattern. These are buildings that are used as office spaces, and they never have balconies.
Thus arises the idea of a hill-building that renegotiates the form and program of the existing tall buildings of Athens and experiments with the attempt to include the character of the urban balcony in a public outdoor tall building. At the same time, the proposal comments the skyscrapers of Ellinikon, and after a series of urban analises and studies, we decide to locate it on the West coastal area of Attica, at Lipasmaton complex in Drapetsona.
The 118 meters high preserved industrial chimney, is the core around which a tall building that consists of balconies, is being developed. The new landmark does not have the intention to impose itself by creating new conditions forced in the place where it is located. On the contrary, it tries to interpret the special character of the site and in this way, to attract the citizens of Athens. Finally, the proposal leads us to reconsider the terms and parameters of the tall buildings construction in Athens.