This special research is an attempt to display the development process that occurred in food preparation areas and food courts, from antiquity till today. Firstly, there is a presentation of the primitive man and the space he delimited around the hearth of fire, intended for feeding and then, there are references to the first advanced civilizations, who developed some early spatial structures associated with cooking and eating food. Afterwards, there is consideration on the period of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, describing the environments that hosted banquets, a typical phenomenon of the time. The lofty and huge halls of the Middle Ages became more familiar during the Renaissance. The new social models that appeared later, were the result of economic, political and social unrests that had broken out in Europe. Therefore, the spread of restaurants and fast food happened after the 18th century. At the same time, several changes went on the kitchen area itself, which was independent at times or else in a single room with the living room, pointing out that way its sociability. The evolution of technology, as well as of ergonomics, optimized the functionality of the kitchen and caused several changes to its aesthetics. More flexible typologies, new materials and innovative equipment appeared. Moreover, kitchen design acquired the ability to create a complex experience that can satisfy all the senses. In conclusion, it is commonly accepted that the spatial transformations, which happen over the years in food preparation and dining areas are in constant interaction with the changes occurring in society.