A Threshold is the connecting area between in and out and without its existence, the smoothness of the crossing will be disturbed. In this research, initially, there is an attempting to define the liminal space, the the place that is influenced by threshold characteristics, and simultaneously the liminal, who is a man in precarious situation. After referring to habitation on the threshold and analyze it, based on human spatial practices. We argue on the assumption that the threshold conditions are suitable to welcome any otherness, enabling a spatial and social osmosis and receive events. In conclusion, it is a potentially heterotopia, that can receive heterogeneity and we add another characteristic, that of childhood and examine whether it actually describes the liminal situation.
Child through the playing realizes the space and creates it, but he also evolves, walking slowly to adulthood. Through this process, thresholds are synthesized, and give us an idea of how we could create such places. This leads to the conclusion that we need to address the issue with an ingenuousness, to emulate the fragmentation, through reading and writing, yet to focus on each moment, to observe the stories that creates this intermediate space, free from the fixed structure of that, something that contradicts to all that threshold produces, symbolizes and gives meaning and record them.
In the end, the file that is gathered, will provide us a matrix for further analysis of the threshold and of the liminal, every day man .If the human practices that stem from a given spatial identity, have the possibility of existence, development and reproduction individually and socially in the form of potential thresholds, then maybe this reproduction of such spatial patterns as a whole, will be a return to childhood and a method of architectural design based on human?