Venetia Koutsou is a senior lecturer in Fashion Design, at the department of Creative
Design & Clothing, school of Design Science, of the International Hellenic University
(IHU). She teaches Fashion History, Style Semiology, Trends Forecasting and Fashion
Design. She has collaborated with the Hellenic Association of Knitwear and ready
–to- wear companies (SEPEE), in the framework of lifelong educational programs for
clothing industry employees. She has worked for Hellenic Organization of Small and
Medium Sized Enterprises and Handicraft (EOMMEX) and has collaborated with the
“Peclers” and “Carlin International” trend bureaus concerning Fashion Prognosis
issues. In collaboration with the visual artist Εleftheria Stoikou (PieTa Team), she has
inspired and curated design projects such as-among others- Endymatography: from
home to journey, Wear is Art, Deconstructing Jeans, for the promotion of the
clothing culture.
The present research question concerns the Design procedure, as an indispensible
tool in the development of an apparel. The research field is the greek textile and
clothing industry and explores the practices of the sector, as far as it concerns the
design operation in the clothing manufacture and production. The whole will be seen
through the Degrowth theories. Through the idea that Degrowth does not
necessarily mean green development, but a different procedure in thw framework of
environmental and social ethics and taking under consideration the powerfull
imaginary of fashion, the aim will be to survey the trends and possibilities of
transmission in a new model on Design and apparel production, within and out of
the contemporate fashion industry.