This analysis concerns at first Plato’s dialogues and we are going to refer to them, not as philosophers, but as potential architects.Therefore, I will try to answer, initially, a philosophical question related with the perception of space through the meaning of paradigm in Plato’s dialogues, but also in a secondquestion,more substantial and architectural, such as why we design in a certain way. According to I. Potamianos, "Every artist, among them an architect too, asks himself continually, about what is that he is doing, why and how he does it. Such investigations lead to a continuous redefinition of the substance of the object, both general and particular, andofapproach methods and procedures. So in a conscious or unconscious way,the wondering architect touches en route, almost all branches of philosophy".
This is not an investigation of Plato’s thoughts, as this would be based exclusively on assumptions and inaccuracies, nor an analysis of the specific ground,of which they used to build in a particular way in ancient Greece. Eventually, what we will try toinvestigate throughdialogues is our thought and the reason of design’s synthesis. Namely, we are going to analyze the meaning and importance of paradigm through Plato’s dialogues in architectural synthesis.